STI and DUI innovation modes: Scientific-technological and context-specific nuances MD Parrilli, HA Heras Research Policy 45 (4), 747-756, 2016 | 280 | 2016 |
Local and regional development in global value chains, production networks and innovation networks: A comparative review and the challenges for future research MD Parrilli, K Nadvi, HWC Yeung European planning studies 21 (7), 967-988, 2013 | 177 | 2013 |
The drivers of SME innovation in the regions of the EU JL Hervás-Oliver, MD Parrilli, A Rodríguez-Pose, F Sempere-Ripoll Research Policy 50 (9), 104316, 2021 | 173 | 2021 |
STI–DUI learning modes, firm–university collaboration and innovation JL González-Pernía, MD Parrilli, I Peña-Legazkue The Journal of Technology Transfer 40 (3), 475-492, 2015 | 161 | 2015 |
The strength of science and technology drivers for SME innovation MD Parrilli, A Elola Small Business Economics 39, 897-907, 2012 | 160 | 2012 |
Local clusters in global value chains V De Marchi, E Di Maria, G Gereffi Routledge, 2018 | 152 | 2018 |
Linking learning with governance in networks and clusters: key issues for analysis and policy MD Parrilli, S Sacchetti Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 20 (4), 387-408, 2008 | 145 | 2008 |
The impact of business innovation modes on SME innovation performance in post-Soviet transition economies: The case of Belarus N Apanasovich, HA Heras, MD Parrilli Technovation 57, 30-40, 2016 | 140 | 2016 |
Collective efficiency, policy inducement and social embeddedness: Drivers for the development of industrial districts MD Parrilli Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 21 (1), 1-24, 2009 | 123 | 2009 |
Nested methodological approaches for cluster policy evaluation: An application to the Basque Country MJ Aranguren, X De La Maza, MD Parrilli, F Vendrell-Herrero, JR Wilson Regional Studies 48 (9), 1547-1562, 2014 | 107 | 2014 |
Business innovation modes and their impact on innovation outputs: Regional variations and the nature of innovation across EU regions MD Parrilli, M Balavac, D Radicic Research Policy 49 (8), 104047, 2020 | 103 | 2020 |
The role of interactive learning to close the “innovation gap” in SME-based local economies: A furniture cluster in the Basque Country and its key policy implications MD Parrilli, MJ Aranguren, M Larrea European Planning Studies 18 (3), 351-370, 2010 | 97 | 2010 |
Developing entrepreneurship: experience in Latin America and worldwide VM Koenig Idb, 2005 | 76 | 2005 |
Interactive learning for innovation B Asheim, MD Parrilli A Key Driver within Clusters and Innovation Systems, Basingstoke, 2012 | 67 | 2012 |
The resilience of clusters in the context of increasing globalization: The Basque wind energy value chain A Elola, MD Parrilli, R Rabellotti The Competitiveness of Clusters in Globalized Markets, 23-40, 2016 | 65 | 2016 |
SME cluster development MD Parrilli Palgrave Macmillan Books, 2007 | 62 | 2007 |
Innovation, global change and territorial resilience P Cooke, MD Parrilli, JL Curbelo Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
The role of social capital in regional innovation systems: Creative social capital and its institutionalization process CA Amonarriz, C Iturrioz, L Narvaiza, MD Parrilli Papers in Regional Science 98 (1), 35-52, 2019 | 55 | 2019 |
A stage and eclectic approach to industrial district development: two policy keys for ‘survival’clusters in developing countries MD Parrilli European Planning Studies 12 (8), 1115-1131, 2004 | 53 | 2004 |
Introduction: learning and interaction—drivers for innovation in current competitive markets BT Asheim, MD Parrilli Interactive learning for innovation: A key driver within clusters and …, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |