Sandro Marcucci
Sandro Marcucci
Ex Dipartimento Protezione Civile
Overview of the Italian strong motion database ITACA 1.0
F Pacor, R Paolucci, L Luzi, F Sabetta, A Spinelli, A Gorini, M Nicoletti, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 9, 1723-1739, 2011
Evidence of low-frequency amplification in the city of L’Aquila, Central Italy, through a multidisciplinary approach including strong-and weak-motion data, ambient noise, and …
G De Luca, S Marcucci, G Milana, T Sano
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (4), 1469-1481, 2005
Recorded Motions of the 6 April 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila, Italy, Earthquake and Implications for Building Structural Damage: Overview
M Çelebi, P Bazzurro, L Chiaraluce, P Clemente, L Decanini, A DeSortis, ...
Earthquake Spectra 26 (3), 651-684, 2010
The Italian strong motion network
A Gorini, M Nicoletti, P Marsan, R Bianconi, R De Nardis, L Filippi, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 8, 1075-1090, 2010
The 1997 Umbria-Marche (Italy) earthquake sequence: analysis of the data recorded by the local and temporary networks
M Cattaneo, P Augliera, G De Luca, A Gorini, A Govoni, S Marcucci, ...
Journal of Seismology 4, 401-414, 2000
The contribution of seismic data in microzonation studies for downtown L’Aquila
G Milana, RM Azzara, E Bertrand, P Bordoni, F Cara, R Cogliano, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 9, 741-759, 2011
A detailed analysis of two seismic sequences in Abruzzo, Central Apennines, Italy
G De Luca, R Scarpa, L Filippi, A Gorini, S Marcucci, P Marsan, G Milana, ...
Journal of Seismology 4 (1), 1-21, 2000
Rupture mechanism and source parameters of Umbria-Marche mainshocks from strong motion data
P Capuano, A Zollo, A Emolo, S Marcucci, G Milana
Journal of seismology 4, 463-478, 2000
The 1997 Umbria‐Marche (central Italy) Earthquake Sequence: Insights on the mainshock ruptures from near source strong motion records
A Zollo, S Marcucci, G Milana, P Capuano
Geophysical research letters 26 (20), 3165-3168, 1999
The ITalian ACcelerometric Archive (ITACA): processing of strong-motion data
M Massa, F Pacor, L Luzi, D Bindi, G Milana, F Sabetta, A Gorini, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 8, 1175-1187, 2010
Extensive characterization of Italian accelerometric stations from single-station ambient-vibration measurements
R Puglia, D Albarello, A Gorini, L Luzi, S Marcucci, F Pacor
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 9, 1821-1838, 2011
Morfotettonica dei rilievi a Nord della conca aquilana
R Bagnaia, AM Blumetti, G De Luca, A Gorini, S Marcucci, P Marsan, ...
Il Quaternario 9 (1), 287-292, 1996
Integrated subsoil model for seismic microzonation in the Central Archaeological Area of Rome (Italy)
M Massimiliano, P Alessandro, M Marco, S Francesco, C Giuseppe, ...
Disaster Advances 5 (3), 109-124, 2012
Rapporto finale sulla Microzonazione Sismica del centro abitato di San Giuliano di Puglia
S Baranello, M Bernabini, M Dolce, G Pappone, C Rosskopf, T Sanò, ...
Dipartimento di Protezione Civile, Roma, 2003
Seismic response of L’Aquila downtown from comparison between 2D synthetics spectral ratios of SH, P-SV and Rayleigh waves and observations of the 2009 earthquake sequence
P Bordoni, J Haines, G Milana, S Marcucci, F Cara, G Di Giulio
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 9, 761-781, 2011
Strong motion records of the 2002 Molise, Italy, earthquake sequence and stochastic simulation of the main shock
A Gorini, S Marcucci, P Marsan, G Milana
Earthquake Spectra 20 (1_suppl), 65-79, 2004
The Emilia thrust earthquake of 20 May 2012 (Northern Italy): strong motion and geological observations–Report I
M Dolce, M Nicoletti, A Ammirati, R Bianconi, L Filippi, A Gorini, ...
A source study of the 9 September 1998 (Mw 5.6) Castelluccio earthquake in southern Italy using teleseismic and strong motion data
G Arrigo, Z Roumelioti, CH Benetatos, A Kiratzi, A Bottari, G Neri, ...
Natural Hazards 37, 245-262, 2006
The deep bedrock in Rome, Italy: a new constraint based on passive seismic data analysis
S Marcucci, G Milana, S Hailemikael, G Carlucci, F Cara, G Di Giulio, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 176, 2395-2410, 2019
The Emilia Thrust Earthquake of 20 May 2012 (Northern Italy): Strong Motion And Geological Observations–Report II, National Civil Protection Department (DPC)
M Dolce, M Nicoletti, A Ammirati, R Bianconi, L Filippi, A Gorini, ...
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