László Mucsi
László Mucsi
associate professor, University of Szeged
在 szte.hu 的电子邮件经过验证
Land-use and meteorological aspects of the urban heat island
J Unger, Z Sümeghy, Á Gulyás, Z Bottyán, L Mucsi
Meteorological Applications 8 (2), 189-194, 2001
Seasonal multitemporal land-cover classification and change detection analysis of Bochum, Germany, using multitemporal Landsat TM data
L Henits, C Jürgens, L Mucsi
International Journal of Remote Sensing 37 (15), 3439-3454, 2016
Crop type classification by DESIS hyperspectral imagery and machine learning algorithms
N Farmonov, K Amankulova, J Szatmári, A Sharifi, D Abbasi-Moghadam, ...
IEEE Journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote …, 2023
Modeling of the urban heat island pattern based on the relationship between surface and air temperatures
J Unger, TM Gál, J Rakonczai, L Mucsi, J Szatmari, Z Tobak, ...
Időjárás/Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service 114 (4 …, 2010
Improvement in satellite image-based land cover classification with landscape metrics
A Gudmann, N Csikós, P Szilassi, L Mucsi
Remote Sensing 12 (21), 3580, 2020
Air temperature versus surface temperature in urban environment
J Unger, TM Gál, J Rakonczai, L Mucsi, J Szatmári, Z Tobak, ...
szte, 2009
Multispectral crop yield prediction using 3D-convolutional neural networks and attention convolutional LSTM approaches
SMM Nejad, D Abbasi-Moghadam, A Sharifi, N Farmonov, K Amankulova, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2022
Monitoring the changes in impervious surface ratio and urban heat island intensity between 1987 and 2011 in Szeged, Hungary
L Henits, L Mucsi, CM Liska
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-13, 2017
Műholdas távérzékelés
L Mucsi
Libellus kiadó, Szeged 221, 2004
From land cover map to land use map: A combined pixel-based and object-based approach using multi-temporal landsat data, a random forest classifier, and decision rules
DH Bui, L Mucsi
Remote Sensing 13 (9), 1700, 2021
Az 1999. és 2000. évi alföldi belvízelöntések kiértékelésének gyakorlati tapasztalatai
J Rakonczai, S Csató, L Mucsi, F Kovács, J Szatmári
Vízügyi Közlemények 2001, 317-336, 1998
Land cover change investigation in the southern Syrian coastal basins during the past 30-years using Landsat remote sensing data
M Hammad, L Mucsi, B van Leeuwen
Journal of environmental geography 11 (1-2), 45-51, 2018
The evaluation and application of an urban land cover map with image data fusion and laboratory measurements
L Mucsi, CM Liska, L Henits, Z Tobak, B Csendes, L Nagy
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 66 (2), 145-156, 2017
Time-series analysis of Sentinel-2 satellite images for sunflower yield estimation
K Amankulova, N Farmonov, L Mucsi
Smart Agricultural Technology 3, 100098, 2023
Comparison of PlanetScope, Sentinel-2, and landsat 8 data in soybean yield estimation within-field variability with random forest regression
K Amankulova, N Farmonov, P Akramova, I Tursunov, L Mucsi
Heliyon 9 (6), 2023
Identification and spectral evaluation of agricultural crops on hyperspectral airborne data
B Csendes, L Mucsi
Journal of Environmental Geography 9 (3-4), 49-53, 2016
Extraction of digital surface models from CORONA satellite stereo images
M Meszaros, J Szatmári, Z Tobak, L Mucsi
Journal of Environmental Geography 1 (1-2), 5-10, 2008
Characterisation of oil-industrial contamination using aerial and thermal images
L Mucsi
Balkema Publishers, 2001
Landscape changes of a blown sand surface on the Great Hungarian Plain
L Mucsi, J Szatmári
The problems of landscape ecology. III. Warsaw, 215-222, 1998
The advantages of using sequential stochastic simulations when mapping small-scale heterogeneities of the groundwater level
L Mucsi, J Geiger, T Malvic
Journal of Environmental Geography 6 (3-4), 39-47, 2013
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