Consumer inference: A review of processes, bases, and judgment contexts FR Kardes, SS Posavac, ML Cronley Journal of consumer psychology 14 (3), 230-256, 2004 | 738 | 2004 |
Women's exposure to thin-and-beautiful media images: Body image effects of media-ideal internalization and impact-reduction interventions Y Yamamiya, TF Cash, SE Melnyk, HD Posavac, SS Posavac Body image 2 (1), 74-80, 2005 | 576 | 2005 |
Exposure to media images of female attractiveness and concern with body weight among young women1 HD Posavac, SS Posavac, EJ Posavac Sex roles 38 (3), 187-201, 1998 | 535 | 1998 |
Toward a more nuanced understanding of the statistical properties of a median split D Iacobucci, SS Posavac, FR Kardes, MJ Schneider, DL Popovich Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (4), 652-665, 2015 | 518 | 2015 |
The median split: Robust, refined, and revived D Iacobucci, SS Posavac, FR Kardes, MJ Schneider, DL Popovich Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (4), 690-704, 2015 | 444 | 2015 |
The role of selective information processing in price-quality inference FR Kardes, ML Cronley, JJ Kellaris, SS Posavac Journal of Consumer Research 31 (2), 368-374, 2004 | 406 | 2004 |
Adoption of new and really new products: The effects of self-regulation systems and risk salience M Herzenstein, SS Posavac, JJ Brakus Journal of marketing research 44 (2), 251-260, 2007 | 403 | 2007 |
Reducing the impact of media images on women at risk for body image disturbance: Three targeted interventions HD Posavac, SS Posavac, RG Weigel Journal of social and clinical psychology 20 (3), 324-340, 2001 | 378 | 2001 |
Selective hypothesis testing DM Sanbonmatsu, SS Posavac, FR Kardes, SP Mantel Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 5, 197-220, 1998 | 230 | 1998 |
How naive theories drive opposing inferences from the same information H Deval, SP Mantel, FR Kardes, SS Posavac Journal of Consumer Research 39 (6), 1185-1201, 2013 | 227 | 2013 |
Prepurchase attribute verifiability, source credibility, and persuasion SP Jain, SS Posavac Journal of Consumer Psychology 11 (3), 169-180, 2001 | 226 | 2001 |
A selective hypothesis testing perspective on price-quality inference and inference-based choice ML Cronley, SS Posavac, T Meyer, FR Kardes, JJ Kellaris Journal of Consumer Psychology 15 (2), 159-169, 2005 | 188 | 2005 |
Valenced comparisons SP Jain, SS Posavac Journal of marketing Research 41 (1), 46-58, 2004 | 176 | 2004 |
Considering the best choice: Effects of the salience and accessibility of alternatives on attitude–decision consistency. SS Posavac, DM Sanbonmatsu, RH Fazio Journal of personality and social psychology 72 (2), 253, 1997 | 154 | 1997 |
Contextual influences on judgment based on limited information DM Sanbonmatsu, FR Kardes, SS Posavac, DC Houghton Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 69 (3), 251-264, 1997 | 139 | 1997 |
Predictors of women's concern with body weight: the roles of perceived self-media ideal discrepancies and self-esteem SS Posavac, HD Posavac Eating disorders 10 (2), 153-160, 2002 | 135 | 2002 |
The brand positivity effect: When evaluation confers preference SS Posavac, DM Sanbonmatsu, FR Kardes, GJ Fitzsimons Journal of Consumer Research 31 (3), 643-651, 2004 | 134 | 2004 |
Overestimating the importance of the given information in multiattribute consumer judgment DM Sanbonmatsu, FR Kardes, DC Houghton, EA Ho, SS Posavac Journal of consumer psychology 13 (3), 289-300, 2003 | 117 | 2003 |
How consumers’ attitudes toward direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs influence ad effectiveness, and consumer and physician behavior M Herzenstein, S Misra, SS Posavac Marketing Letters 15, 201-212, 2004 | 91 | 2004 |
Consumer inference FR Kardes, SS Posavac, ML Cronley, PM Herr Handbook of consumer psychology, 177-203, 2018 | 74 | 2018 |