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Heavy metals content and pollution in tin tailings from Singkep Island, Riau, Indonesia R Irzon, I Syafri, J Hutabarat, P Sendjaja, S Permanadewi Sains Malaysiana 47 (11), 2609-2616, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
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The Characteristics of Lahar in Merapi Volcano, Central Java as the Indicator of the Explosivity during Holocene Karakteristik Lahar di Gunung Merapi, Jawa Tengah sebagai … A Sudradjat, I Syafri, E t PArIPurno Jurnal Geologi Indonesia 6 (2), 69-74, 2010 | 21 | 2010 |
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Petrography and geochemistry of the Pinkish Lagoi Granite, Bintan Island: Implication to magmatic differentiation, classification, and tectonic history. R Irzon, I Syafri, AA Ghani, A Prabowo, J Hutabarat, P Sendjaja Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia 69, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
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A comprehensive comparison study of empirical cutting transport models in inclined and horizontal wells AMI Shiddiq, B Christiantoro, I Syafri, A Abdurrokhim, B Marbun, ... Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 49 (2), 275-289, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Morphotectonic and satellite imagery analysis for identifying Quaternary fault at Southern part of Cianjur-Garut region, West Java, Indonesia E Sukiyah, I Syafri, A Sjafrudin, E Nurfadli, P Khaerani, DPA Simanjuntak Proceeding of The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
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Analisis kerentanan gempa pada jalur Sesar Baribis menggunakan metode Microearthquake (MEQ) S Febyani, M Rivaldy, I Syafri, AA Nur, P Embara, SD Nugroho Bulletin of Scientific Contribution: GEOLOGY 18 (1), 1-12, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
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Stratigraphy Seismic and sedimentation Development of Middle Baong Sand, Aru Field, North Sumatera Basin N Natasia, I Syafri, MK Alfadli, K Arfiansyah Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 1 (1), 51-58, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
New Observations on the Evolution of the Bogor Basin, West Java: Opportunities for Turbidite Hydrocarbon Play AH Satyana, C Armandita, B Raharjo, I Syafri Bul. Geol. Inst. Teknol. BANDUNG–Ed. KHUSUS 42, 2002 | 9 | 2002 |
Geochemistry of plutons in central Sumatra and their correlation to Southeast Asia tectonic history R Irzon, I Syafri, N Suwarna, J Hutabarat, P Sendjaja, VE Setiawan Geologica acta: an international earth science journal, 2, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Identification of tectonic deformation using morphometrical analysis of Lamongan volcano complex ARB Nugroho, E Sukiyah, I Syafri, V Isnaniawardhani GEOMATE Journal 19 (71), 55-60, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |