Seed-borne diseases and seed health testing of rice. PC Agarwal, CN Mortensen, SB Mathur | 200 | 1989 |
Quarantine for safe exchange of plant genetic resources RK Khetarpal, A Lal, KS Varaprasad, PC Agarwal, S Bhalla, VC Chalam, ... Hundred years of plant genetic resources management in India. National …, 2006 | 36 | 2006 |
Antifungal activity of aroma chemicals against seed-borne fungi U Dev, C Devakumar, J Mohan, PC Agarwal Journal of essential oil Research 16 (5), 496-499, 2004 | 31 | 2004 |
Modified isolation technique for obtaining pure cultures of seedborne fungi J Akhtar, A Kandan, B Singh, U Dev, D Chand, J Kumar, PC Agarwal Indian Journal of Plant Protection 42 (2), 156-159, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Seed‐borne fungi detected in consignments of soybean seeds (Glycine max) imported into India PC Agarwal, U Dev, B Singh, R Indra, RK Khetarpal EPPO Bulletin 36 (1), 53-58, 2006 | 24 | 2006 |
Molecular diversity of Bipolaris oryzae infecting Oryza sativa in India A Kandan, J Akhtar, B Singh, D Dixit, D Chand, A Roy, S Rajkumar, ... Phytoparasitica 43, 5-14, 2015 | 23 | 2015 |
Plant quarantine of germplasm under exchange RK Khetarpal, KS Varaprasad, A Lal, PC Agarwal, B Lal National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources: A Compendium of Achievements, 90-115, 2001 | 21 | 2001 |
International spread of Karnal bunt of wheat. AK Lambat, RN Ram Nath, PM Mukewar, A Majumdar, IR Indra Rani, ... | 21 | 1983 |
Alternaria alternata, real cause of black point and differentiating symptoms of two other pathogens associated with wheat (Triticum aestivum) seeds. PC Agarwal, K Anitha, UD Usha Dev, BS Baleshwar Singh, RN Ram Nath | 15 | 1993 |
Risk of pathogens associated with plant germplasm imported into India from various countries B Singh, J Akhtar, A Kandan, P Kumar, D Chand, AK Maurya, PC Agarwal, ... Indian Phytopathology 71, 91-102, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Genetic diversity analysis of fungal pathogen Bipolaris sorghicola infecting Sorghum bicolor in India A Kandan, J Akhtar, B Singh, D Pal, D Chand, S Rajkumar, PC Agarwal Journal of Environmental Biology 37 (6), 1323, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Interception of Peronospora manshurica in soybean germplasm imported during 1976–2005 PC Agarwal, B Singh, U Dev, I Rani, D Chand, RK Khetarpal Current Science, 347-350, 2006 | 13 | 2006 |
Polysora rust of maize caused by Puccinia polysora and its spread in Karnataka PC Agarwal, RK Khetarpal, MM Payak The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 71 (4), 2001 | 13 | 2001 |
Teaching manual on germplasm exchange and plant quarantine S Bhalla, VC Chalam, V Tyagi, A Lal, PC Agarwal, IS Bisht National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, 340p, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Fusarium species intercepted in exotic crop germplasm during 1976-99 PC Agarwal, U DEV, I Rani The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 71 (11), 2001 | 12 | 2001 |
Pathological fungi intercepted in imported seed and planting material during 1982. AK Lambat, RN Ram Nath, PC Agarwal, RK Khetarpal, UD Usha Dev, ... | 12 | 1985 |
Seed-borne fungi identified from exotic pepper (Capsicum spp.) germplasm samples introduced during 1976-2005. PC Agarwal, UD Usha Dev, BS Baleshwar Singh, IR Indra Rani, ... | 11 | 2007 |
Maladies du riz transmises par les semences et tests phytosanitaires PC Agarwal, C Nieves Mortensen, SB Mathur | 11 | 1994 |
Fungal and bacterial plant pathogens intercepted in germplasm introduced into India during 2007–10 U Dev, B Singh, PC Agarwal, D Chand, VC Chalam, AK Maurya, KD Joshi Indian J Agric Sci 82, 1083-1089, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Survival of Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.) Butler & Bisby in decade-long cryo-preserved chilli seeds U Dev, J Akhtar, R Chaudhury, A Kandan, D Chand, J Kumar, B Singh, ... Seed Research 40 (1), 92-94, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |