What are the effects of induction and mentoring on beginning teacher turnover? TM Smith, RM Ingersoll American educational research journal 41 (3), 681-714, 2004 | 3559 | 2004 |
The wrong solution to the teacher shortage RM Ingersoll, TM Smith Educational leadership 60 (8), 30-33, 2003 | 3011 | 2003 |
Do teacher induction and mentoring matter? RM Ingersoll, TM Smith NASSP bulletin 88 (638), 28-40, 2004 | 1487 | 2004 |
Democratic school climate and sense of community in school: A multilevel analysis A Vieno, DD Perkins, TM Smith, M Santinello American journal of community psychology 36 (3-4), 327-341, 2005 | 505 | 2005 |
Are teachers who need sustained, content-focused professional development getting it? An administrator’s dilemma LM Desimone, TM Smith, K Ueno Educational administration quarterly 42 (2), 179-215, 2006 | 396 | 2006 |
Easy in, easy out: Are alternatively certified teachers turning over at increased rates? C Redding, TM Smith American Educational Research Journal 53 (4), 1086-1125, 2016 | 337 | 2016 |
Linking student achievement growth to professional development participation and changes in instruction: A longitudinal study of elementary students and teachers in Title I schools LM Desimone, TM Smith, KJR Phillips Teachers college record 115 (5), 1-46, 2013 | 282 | 2013 |
“Highly qualified” to do what? The relationship between NCLB teacher quality mandates and the use of reform-oriented instruction in middle school mathematics TM Smith, LM Desimone, K Ueno Educational evaluation and policy analysis 27 (1), 75-109, 2005 | 257 | 2005 |
Explaining the gap in charter and traditional public school teacher turnover rates DA Stuit, TM Smith Economics of Education Review 31 (2), 268-279, 2012 | 210 | 2012 |
Systems for instructional improvement: Creating coherence from the classroom to the district office P Cobb, K Jackson, E Henrick, TM Smith Harvard Education Press, 2020 | 179 | 2020 |
Educational and labor market performance of GED recipients: Executive summary D Boesel, N Alsalam, TM Smith National Library of Education, Office of Educational Research and …, 1998 | 178* | 1998 |
Survey measures of classroom instruction: Comparing student and teacher reports LM Desimone, TM Smith, DE Frisvold Educational Policy 24 (2), 267-329, 2010 | 176 | 2010 |
Enhancing commitment or tightening control: The function of teacher professional development in an era of accountability TM Smith, KJ Rowley Educational Policy 19 (1), 126-154, 2005 | 163 | 2005 |
Does policy influence mathematics and science teachers’ participation in professional development? LM Desimone, TM Smith, KJR Phillips Teachers College Record 109 (5), 1086-1122, 2007 | 160 | 2007 |
Assessing barriers to the reform of US mathematics instruction from an international perspective LM Desimone, T Smith, D Baker, K Ueno American Educational Research Journal 42 (3), 501-535, 2005 | 157* | 2005 |
Inquiry-oriented instruction in science: Who teaches that way? TM Smith, LM Desimone, TL Zeidner, AC Dunn, M Bhatt, ... Educational evaluation and policy analysis 29 (3), 169-199, 2007 | 153 | 2007 |
Qualifications and assignments of alternatively certified teachers: Testing core assumptions L Cohen-Vogel, TM Smith American Educational Research Journal 44 (3), 732-753, 2007 | 148 | 2007 |
The condition of education (1996) TM Smith Diane Publishing, 1996 | 143 | 1996 |
The challenge of scale: Designing schools and districts as learning organizations for instructional improvement in mathematics P Cobb, T Smith International handbook of mathematics teacher education 3, 231-254, 2008 | 142* | 2008 |
How do state-level induction and standards-based reform policies affect induction experiences and turnover among new teachers? TM Smith American Journal of Education 113 (2), 273-309, 2007 | 137 | 2007 |