Silver nanoparticles in dental biomaterials JM Corrêa, M Mori, HL Sanches, AD Cruz, E Poiate Jr, IAVP Poiate International journal of biomaterials 2015 (1), 485275, 2015 | 310 | 2015 |
Three‐dimensional stress distribution in the human periodontal ligament in masticatory, parafunctional, and trauma loads: finite element analysis IAVP Poiate, AB De Vasconcellos, RB De Santana, E Poiate Jr Journal of Periodontology 80 (11), 1859-1867, 2009 | 139 | 2009 |
2D and 3D finite element analysis of central incisor generated by computerized tomography IAVP Poiate, AB Vasconcellos, M Mori, E Poiate Jr Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 104 (2), 292-299, 2011 | 80 | 2011 |
Stress distribution in the cervical region of an upper central incisor in a 3D finite element model IAVP Poiate, AB Vasconcellos, E Poiate Junior, KRHC Dias Brazilian oral research 23, 161-168, 2009 | 64 | 2009 |
Three dimensional finite element analyses of oral structures by computerized tomography IAVP Poiate, AB Vasconcellos, A Andueza, IRV Pola, E Poiate Jr Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 106 (6), 606-609, 2008 | 41 | 2008 |
Abfraction lesions reviewed: current concepts AFV Pereira, ÍAV Poiate, E Poiate Junior, WG Miranda Junior RGO (Porto Alegre), 321-326, 2008 | 18 | 2008 |
Influence of restorative techniques on marginal adaptation and dye penetration around Class V restorations AFV Pereira, I Poiate, E Poiate Jr, FP Rodrigues, ML Turbino, ... Gen Dent 60 (1), 17-21, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
Influence of specimens' design and manufacturing process on microtensile bond strength to enamel: laboratory and FEA comparison FT Sadek, A Muench, IA Poiate, E Poiate Junior, PEC Cardoso Materials Research 13, 253-260, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
Influence of Sintering Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Glass‐Ceramics Produced with Windshield Waste HR Gualberto, RS Lopes, FANG Silva, E Schnurr, E Poiate Junior, ... International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2019 (1), 2531027, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Glass-ceramic produced with recycled glass E Hanning, HR Gualberto, KMA Simões, LC Bertolino, E Poiate, ... Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 24 (4), e12505, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Análise biomecânica de dentes restaurados com retentor intrarradicular fundido, com ou sem férula IAVP Poiate, E Poiate Junior, RY Ballester RGO (Porto Alegre), 173-178, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |
Uma revisão sobre lesões de abfração: conceitos atuais AFV Pereira, IAVP Poiate, E Poiate Junior, WG Miranda Junior RGO Revista Gaucha de Odontologia 56 (3), 321-326, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |
Biomechanical analysis of restored teeth with cast intra-radicular retainer with and without ferrule I Poiate, E Poiate Jr, RY Ballester Finite Element Analysis—From Biomedical Applications to Industrial Developments, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |
Análise biomecânica de dentes restaurados com retentor intra-radicular fundido, com e sem férula IAVP Poiate Universidade de São Paulo, 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
Análise quantitativa in vitro da obturação de canais laterais IAVP Poiate, CAM Barbosa, MAB Pinho, AB Vasconcellos, ... Rev. bras. odontol, 85-88, 2005 | 2 | 2005 |
Influence of niobium pentoxide and sintering temperature on mechanical and electrical properties of glass-ceramics obtained from recycled automotive windshields HR Gualberto, KC Silveira, FANG Silva, MA Sens, IN Bastos, E Poiate, ... Materials Research 25, e20210564, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Avaliação dos índices periodontais em adultos jovens submetidos a enxaguatório bucal a 0, 12% de clorexidina: um ensaio clínico randomizado NC BATISTA, CP PAULA, IAVP POIATE, E POIATE JUNIOR, EC ZUZA, ... Revista de Odontologia da UNESP 50, e20210045, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Evaluation of periodontal indices in young adults submitted to chlorhexidine 0.12% mouthwash: a randomized clinical trial NC Batista, CP Paula, IAVP Poiate, E POIATE, EC Zuza, GACG Camargo Revista de Odontologia da UNESP 50, e20210045, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Evaluation of Stress Distribution in Implant-Supported Restoration Under Different Simulated Loads PRR Ventura, IAVP Poiate, EP Junior, AB de Vasconcellos Finite Element Analysis-From Biomedical Applications to Industrial Developments, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Influência da esplintagem de restaurações protéticas fixas sobre implantes na distribuição de tensões em mandíbula edentada posterior MG Silva, M Mori, E Poiate Junior, A Andueza, AB Vasconcelos, ... Rev. bras. odontol, 187-192, 2005 | 1 | 2005 |