Causes of raptor admissions to a wildlife rehabilitation center in Tenerife (Canary Islands) B Rodríguez, A Rodríguez, F Siverio, M Siverio Journal of Raptor Research 44 (1), 30-39, 2010 | 92 | 2010 |
Factors affecting the spatial distribution and breeding habitat of an insular cliff-nesting raptor community B Rodríguez, A Rodríguez, F Siverio, M Siverio Current Zoology 64 (2), 173-181, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Density, habitat selection and breeding success of an insular population of Barbary Falcon Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides B Rodríguez, M Siverio, A Rodríguez, F Siverio Ardea 95 (2), 213-223, 2007 | 26 | 2007 |
Density, habitat selection and breeding biology of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo in an insular environment B Rodríguez, F Siverio, A Rodríguez, M Siverio, JJ Hernández, ... Bird Study 57 (1), 75-83, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Datos sobre la distribución y biología del Halcón de Berbería (Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides) en las islas Canarias (Aves: Falconidae) G Delgado, D Concepción, M Siverio, E Hernández, V Quilis Vieraea 27, 287-298, 1999 | 13* | 1999 |
Variable plumage coloration of breeding Barbary Falcons Falco (peregrinus) pelegrinoides in the Canary Islands: do other Peregrine Falcon subspecies also occur in the archipelago? B Rodríguez, F Siverio, M Siverio, A Rodríguez Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 131 (3), 140-153, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
Population size and status of Common Raven (Corvus corax) on the central-western islands of the Canarian archipelago M Siverio, EI González, F Siverio Vieraea 38, 123-132, 2010 | 12 | 2010 |
Águila Pescadora Pandion haliaetus R Triay, M Siverio Libro Rojo de las Aves de España, 157-160, 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
Águila Pescadora Pandion haliaetus R Triay, M Siverio Atlas de las Aves Reproductoras de España, 194-195, 2003 | 12 | 2003 |
Long-term monitoring of an insular population of Barbary Falcon Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides M Siverio, F Siverio, B Rodríguez, A Rodríguez Ostrich 82 (3), 225-230, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Response to conspecific playback calls, distribution and habitat od Tyto Alba (Aves: Tytonidae) on la Gomera, Canary Islads F Siverio, R Barone Tosco, M Siverio, D Trujillo González, JJ Ramos Melo Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias 11 (3-4), 213-222, 1999 | 11 | 1999 |
Nectar and pollen of the invasive century plant Agave americana as a food resource for endemic birds B Rodríguez, F Siverio, M Siverio, R Barone, A Rodríguez Bird Study 62 (2), 232-242, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Conservation implications of past and present nesting habitat selection of the endangered Osprey Pandion haliaetus population of the Canary Islands B Rodríguez, A Rodríguez, M Siverio, F Siverio Ibis 155 (4), 891-897, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Inter‐insular variation of the diet of osprey Pandion haliaetus in the Canarian archipelago M Siverio, B Rodríguez, A Rodríguez, F Siverio Wildlife Biology 17 (3), 240-247, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
El águila pescadora en España. Población en 2008 y método de censo R Triay, M Siverio SEO/BirdLife, 2008 | 10 | 2008 |
Annual variation and breeding success of a threatened insular population of Common Raven Corvus corax (Tenerife, Canary Islands) M Siverio, F Siverio, B Rodriguez Vogelwelt 128 (4), 197-201, 2007 | 10 | 2007 |
Falconry threatens barbary falcons in the Canary Islands through genetic admixture and illegal harvest of nestlings B Rodríguez, F Siverio, M Siverio, A Rodríguez Journal of Raptor Research 53 (2), 189-197, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Density, nest site characteristics and breeding rates of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in the southern limit of its range in the Western Palearctic (Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands) M Siverio, P López‐Suárez, F Siverio, B Rodríguez, N Varo‐Cruz, ... African Journal of Ecology 52 (1), 50-58, 2014 | 9 | 2014 |
»Rieseneidechsen« auf Teneriffa E Hernández, W Bischoff, B Bannert, M Siverio Herpetofauna 19, 19-24, 1997 | 9* | 1997 |
Density and breeding habitat characteristics of an insular population of Barbary Falcon Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides (El Hierro, Canary Islands) FP PELEGRINOIDES Ardeola 53 (2), 325-331, 2006 | 8 | 2006 |