The importance of music to adolescents AC North, DJ Hargreaves, SA O'Neill British journal of educational psychology 70 (2), 255-272, 2000 | 1332 | 2000 |
Functions of music in everyday life: An exploratory study using the Experience Sampling Method JA Sloboda, SA O'Neill, A Ivaldi Musicae scientiae 5 (1), 9-32, 2001 | 731 | 2001 |
Emotions in everyday listening to music JA Sloboda, SA O’neill Music and emotion: Theory and research 8, 415-429, 2001 | 699 | 2001 |
Flow theory and the development of musical performance skills S O'Neill Bulletin of the council for Research in Music Education, 129-134, 1999 | 276 | 1999 |
Ability self-perceptions and subjective task values in adolescents and children JS Eccles, SA O’Neill, A Wigfield What do children need to flourish? Conceptualizing and measuring indicators …, 2005 | 272 | 2005 |
Boys' and girls' preferences for musical instruments: A function of gender? SA O'Neill, MJ Boultona Psychology of music 24 (2), 171-183, 1996 | 255 | 1996 |
Gender and music. SA O'Neill Oxford University Press, 1997 | 249 | 1997 |
Students’ motivation to study music as compared to other school subjects: A comparison of eight countries GE McPherson, SA O'Neill Research Studies in Music Education 32 (2), 101-137, 2010 | 247 | 2010 |
The self-identity of young musicians SA O’Neill Musical identities, 79-96, 2002 | 225 | 2002 |
Children's gender-typed preferences for musical instruments: An intervention study AC Harrison, SA O'Neill Psychology of Music 28 (1), 81-97, 2000 | 167 | 2000 |
The role of practice in children’s early musical performance achievement SA O’Neill Does practice make perfect, 53-70, 1997 | 167 | 1997 |
Becoming a music learner: Towards a theory of transformative music engagement SA O’Neill The Oxford handbook of music education 1, 163-186, 2012 | 150 | 2012 |
Creative thinking processes in adolescent computer-based composition: An analysis of strategies adopted and the influence of instrumental music training FA Seddon, SA O’Neill Music Education Research 5 (2), 125-137, 2003 | 121 | 2003 |
Supporting academic persistence in low‐skilled adult learners S O'Neill, MM Thomson Support for Learning 28 (4), 162-172, 2013 | 104 | 2013 |
The effects of failure on children's ability to perform a musical test SA O'Neill, JA Sloboda Psychology of music 25 (1), 18-34, 1997 | 103 | 1997 |
Youth music engagement in diverse contexts SA O’Neill Organized activities as contexts of development, 267-286, 2005 | 94 | 2005 |
Mapping music education research in the UK G Welch, S Hallam, A Lamont, K Swanwick, L Green, S Hennessy, G Cox, ... Psychology of Music 32 (3), 239-290, 2004 | 92 | 2004 |
Positive youth musical engagement. SA O'neill Oxford University Press, 2006 | 91 | 2006 |
An evaluation study of computer-based compositions by children with and without prior experience of formal instrumental music tuition FA Seddon, SA O'Neill Psychology of Music 29 (1), 4-19, 2001 | 71 | 2001 |
Developing a young musician’s growth mindset: The role of motivation, self-theories, and resiliency SA O’Neill Music and the mind: Essays in honour of John Sloboda, 31-46, 2011 | 66 | 2011 |