Liping Deng
From Moodle to Facebook: Exploring students' motivation and experiences in online communities
L Deng, NJ Tavares
Computers & Education 68, 167-176, 2013
Towards a framework for educational affordances of blogs
L Deng, AHK Yuen
Computers & Education 56 (2), 441-451, 2011
What predicts adolescents’ critical thinking about real-life news? The roles of social media news consumption and news media literacy
KYL Ku, Q Kong, Y Song, L Deng, Y Kang, A Hu
Thinking Skills and Creativity 33, 100570, 2019
Blogs in Higher Education: Implementation and Issues.
L Deng, AHK Yuen
TechTrends: Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning 53 (3), 4, 2009
Understanding student perceptions and motivation towards academic blogs: An exploratory study
L Deng, AHK Yuen
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 28 (1), 2012
Exploring university students' use of technologies beyond the formal learning context: A tale of two online platforms
L Deng, NJ Tavares
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 31 (3), 313, 2015
Blogs in pre-service teacher education: Exploring the participation issue
L Deng, AHK Yuen
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 22 (3), 339-356, 2013
Examining students' use of online annotation tools in support of argumentative reading
J Lu, L Deng
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 29 (2), 2013
Course management systems in higher education: understanding student experiences
A Yuen, R Fox, A Sun, L Deng
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 6 (3), 189-205, 2009
Interest-driven digital practices of secondary students: Cases of connected learning
L Deng, J Connelly, M Lau
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 9, 45-54, 2016
Exploring the role of weblogs in supporting learning communities: An integrative approach
L Deng, AHK Yuen
ICT: Providing choices for learners and learning. Proceedings ascilite …, 2007
Exploring the role of academic blogs in a blended community: An integrative approach
L Deng, AHK Yuen
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 5 (02), 53-71, 2010
Examining predictive factors and effects of in-class multitasking with mobile phones
L Deng, KYL Ku, Q Kong
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 16 (1), 49-58, 2019
Supporting cross-cultural online discussion with formal and informal platforms: a case between Hong Kong and Taiwan
L Deng, YH Chen, SC Li
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 12 (1), 5, 2017
Laptops and mobile phones at self-study time: Examining the mechanism behind interruption and multitasking
L Deng
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 36 (1), 55-67, 2020
Motivation and perception of Hong Kong university students about social media news
Q Kong, KY Lai-Ku, L Deng, AC Yan-Au
Comunicar 29 (67), 2021
Use of WebCT in online and blended modes
AHK Yuen, L Deng, R Fox
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 6 (4), 254-260, 2009
Engaging students with online discussion in a blended learning context: issues and implications
AHK Yuen, L Deng, R Fox, NJ Tavares
Hybrid Learning and Education: Second International Conference, ICHL 2009 …, 2009
Supporting collaborative group projects with Web 2.0 tools: A holistic approach
L Deng, SC Li, J Lu
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 55 (6), 724-734, 2018
A systematic review of media multitasking in educational contexts: Trends, gaps, and antecedents
Y Zhou, L Deng
Interactive Learning Environments 31 (10), 6279-6294, 2023
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