Gelacio Juárez-Luna
Gelacio Juárez-Luna
Profesor UAM Azc
在 azc.uam.mx 的电子邮件经过验证
Assessment of the diaphragm condition for floor systems used in urban buildings
A Tena-Colunga, KL Chinchilla-Portillo, G Juárez-Luna
Engineering Structures 93, 70-84, 2015
Nonlinear finite element modeling of reinforced concrete haunched beams designed to develop a shear failure
EA Godínez-Domínguez, A Tena-Colunga, G Juárez-Luna
Engineering Structures 105, 99-122, 2015
Finite element variational formulation for beams with discontinuities
G Juárez, AG Ayala
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 54, 37-47, 2012
Modelado numérico de problemas de fractura en sólidos mediante discontinuidades interiores
G Juárez
Tesis de Doctorado, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 2006
Evaluación de la flexibilidad elástica de sistemas de piso utilizados en edificios urbanos
CPKLJLG Tena-Colunga A.
Revista de Ingeniería Sísmica, 89, 135-166, 2013
Improvement of some features of finite elements with embedded discontinuities
G Juárez-Luna, G Ayala
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 118, 31-48, 2014
Variational formulation of the material failure process in solids by embedded discontinuities model
G Juárez, G Ayala
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2009
Beam-column finite element with embedded discontinuities for modelling damage in reinforced concrete prismatic elements
E Tenorio-Montero y G Juárez-Luna
Structures 29, 1934-1953, 2021
An isotropic damage model to simulate collapse in reinforced concrete elements
G Juárez-Luna, H Méndez-Martínez, ME Ruiz-Sandoval
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 11, 2444-2459, 2014
Aproximación del proceso de falla en sólidos con elementos finitos mixtos usando de daño continuos
G Juárez, AG Ayala Millán
Revista internacional de métodos numéricos para cálculo y diseño en …, 2010
Methods for the vibration analysis of reinforced concrete precast one-way joist slab floor systems under human walking
O Caballero-Garatachea, G Juárez-Luna, MER Sandoval-Hernández
Journal of Building Engineering 43, 103217, 2021
Formulation of a thick beam-column element with embedded discontinues for modelling hinges in simple and double-lined tunnels
G Juárez-Luna, E Tenorio-Montero
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 93, 103091, 2019
Revisión de la seguridad sísmica de un edificio de concreto reforzado de mediana altura fuertemente irregular existente en la Ciudad de México
A Tena, G Juarez, M Ruiz, H Archundia
Revista Internacional de Ingeniería de Estructuras 22 (3), 2017
Closed form solutions for the strain localization problem in a softening bar under tension with the continuum damage and the embedded discontinuity models.
MMAUAG Juárez-Luna G.
7th International Conference on Crack Paths. September 21st to 24th. Italy 1 …, 2021
Application of fracture mechanics to cracking problems in soils
G Juárez-Luna, G Ayala
The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal 8 (1), 2014
Propuesta de actualización de los coeficientes de diseño de las NTCC-04 para losas rectangulares
GJ Luna, PG Morgado
Concreto y Cemento. Investigación y Desarrollo, Instituto Mexicano del …, 2016
Coeficientes de diseño y trayectorias de agrietamiento de losas aisladas circulares, elípticas y triangulares
O Juárez-Luna, G. y Caballero-Garatachea
Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología, 103-123, 2014
Closed form solutions of the material failure process as hinges of beams by the embedded discontinuity model
ÁU Martínez-Miranda, G Juárez-Luna
Mechanics of Materials 158, 103844, 2021
Modelado del daño en elementos de concreto reforzado
G Juárez, E Godinez
Chiapas: Pakbal, 2018
Nonlinear analysis of frame structural systems based on closed form solutions of thin beam-columns with multiple strong axial and rotation embedded discontinuities
ÁU Martínez-Miranda, G Juárez-Luna
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 98, 104886, 2023
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