Luiz Antonio Alcântara Pereira
Luiz Antonio Alcântara Pereira
在 unifei.edu.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Wake and aerodynamics loads in multiple bodies—application to turbomachinery blade rows
LAA Pereira, MH Hirata, N Manzanares Filho
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 92 (6), 477-491, 2004
Study of the vortex shedding flow around a body near a moving ground
AM Bimbato, LAA Pereira, MH Hirata
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 99 (1), 7-17, 2011
Simulation of vortex flow about a circular cylinder with turbulence modeling
LAA Pereira, JER Ricci, MH Hirata, A da Silveria Neto
Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal 11 (3), 315-322, 2002
Control and suppression of vortex shedding from a slightly rough circular cylinder by a discrete vortex method
MA Oliveira, PG Moraes, CL Andrade, AM Bimbato, LA Alcântara Pereira
Energies 13 (17), 4481, 2020
Suppression of vortex shedding on a bluff body
AM Bimbato, LAA Pereira, MH Hirata
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 121, 16-28, 2013
Numerical experiments of the flow around a bluff body with and without roughness model near a moving wall
LA Alcântara Pereira, MA de Oliveira, PG de Moraes, AM Bimbato
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42, 1-17, 2020
Development of a new Lagrangian vortex method for evaluating effects of surfaces roughness
AM Bimbato, LAA Pereira, MH Hirata
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 74, 291-301, 2019
High Reynolds number oscillations of a circular cylinder
MH Hirata, LAA Pereira, JN Recicar, WH Moura
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 30 …, 2008
Surface roughness effects on flows past two circular cylinders in tandem arrangement at co-shedding regime
PG Moraes, LA Alcântara Pereira
Energies 14 (24), 8237, 2021
Simulation of viscous flow around a circular cylinder near a moving ground
AM Bimbato, LAA Pereira, MH Hirata
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 31 …, 2009
Vortex method with turbulence sub-grid scale modeling
LA Alcântara Pereira, MH Hirata, A Silveira Neto
J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. & Eng 25 (1), 140-146, 2003
Study of surface roughness effect on a bluff body—the formation of asymmetric separation bubbles
AM Bimbato, LA Alcântara Pereira, MH Hirata
Energies 13 (22), 6094, 2020
Simulação Numérica do Escoamento ao Redor de perfis aerodinâmicos montados em grades lineares de turbomáquinas utilizando o método de vórtices discretos
LA Alcântara Pereira
Tese de Doutorado, IEM/UNIFEI, 2002
Comparison among drag coefficient models of single bubbles under high and low Morton number regimes
LG Freitas, LAA Pereira
Chemical Engineering Science 236, 116473, 2021
Estudo de Escoamentos Turbulentos em torno de um Corpo Rombudo de Superfície Hidraulicamente Lisa ou Rugosa Utilizando o Método de Vórtices Discretos.
AM Bimbato
IEM-Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica, 2012
Simulação numérica do escoamento em torno de um corpo de forma arbitrária utilizando o método de vórtices discretos
LA Alcântara Pereira
EFEI, Itajubá, MG, Brasil, 1999
Heat Transfer in the Wake behind a Body using a Particle Method
LA Alcântara Pereira, MH Hirata
17th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of COBEM …, 2003
Boxes structure construction around the clusters of vortex elements to reduce the computational cost of a lagrangian vortex method with roughness model
CL Andrade, LA Alcântara Pereira, AM Bimbato
Proceedings of the 16th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, 2016
Particle-particle interactions in parallel computations
JH Los Reis, LA Alcântara Pereira
Proceedings of the 16th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and …, 2016
Corrected Lagrangian LES Model for Vortex Method
AM Bimbato, LA Alcântara Pereira, MH Hirata
Proceedings of the 8th Spring School on Transition and Turbulence, São Paulo …, 2012
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