Shawn Olson Hazboun
Shawn Olson Hazboun
School of Public Policy, Oregon State University
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Public Views on Wind Energy in the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States: Distinct Attitudes, Exposure, and Other Key Predictors of Wind Energy
SK Olson-Hazboun, RS Krannich, PG Robertson
Energy Research and Social Science 21 (November), 167-179, 2016
At home, in public, and in between: Gender differences in public, private and transportation pro-environmental behaviors in the US Intermountain West
MD Briscoe, JE Givens, SO Hazboun, RS Krannich
Environmental Sociology 5 (4), 374-392, 2019
“Why are we being punished and they are being rewarded?” views on renewable energy in fossil fuels-based communities of the US west
SK Olson-Hazboun
The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (3), 366-374, 2018
The influence of extractive activities on public support for renewable energy policy
SK Olson-Hazboun, PD Howe, A Leiserowitz
Energy Policy 123, 117-126, 2018
Fracking fortunes: economic well‐being and oil and gas development along the urban‐rural continuum
A Mayer, SK Olson‐Hazboun, S Malin
Rural Sociology 83 (3), 532-567, 2018
Public preferences in a shifting energy future: Comparing public views of eight energy sources in North America’s Pacific Northwest
SO Hazboun, HS Boudet
Energies 13 (8), 1940, 2020
‘Wise contrarians’: a keystone species in contemporary climate science, politics and policy
MT Boykoff, SK Olson
Celebrity Studies 4 (3), 276-291, 2013
Unhollowing rural America? Rural human capital flight and the demographic consequences of the oil and gas boom
A Mayer, SA Malin, SK Olson-Hazboun
Population and Environment, 219-238, 2018
Free market ideology and deregulation in Colorado’s oil fields: Evidence for triple movement activism?
SA Malin, A Mayer, K Shreeve, SK Olson-Hazboun, J Adgate
Environmental politics 26 (3), 521-545, 2017
Keep quiet on climate: Assessing public response to seven renewable energy frames in the Western United States
SO Hazboun, M Briscoe, J Givens, R Krannich
Energy Research & Social Science 57, 101243, 2019
The politics of decarbonization: Examining conservative partisanship and differential support for climate change science and renewable energy in Utah
SO Hazboun, DL Howe, Peter D.l Coppock, JE Givens
Energy Research and Social Science 70, 1-11, 2020
The Influence of Religious Affiliation on Community Views about Environment, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy in and around the Mormon Culture Region
SK Olson-Hazboun, RS Krannich, PG Robertson
Society and Natural Resources, 2017
Natural gas–friend or foe of the environment? Evaluating the framing contest over natural gas through a public opinion survey in the Pacific Northwest
SO Hazboun, HS Boudet
Environmental Sociology 7 (4), 368-381, 2021
Climate change views, energy policy support, and personal action in the Intermountain West: the anti-reflexivity effect
JE Givens, SO Hazboun, MD Briscoe, RS Krannich
Society & Natural Resources 34 (1), 99-121, 2021
A left coast ‘thin green line’? Determinants of public attitudes toward fossil fuel export in the Northwestern United States
SO Hazboun
The Extractive Industries and Society 6 (4), 1340-1349, 2019
Does fracking drive you to drink? Unconventional oil and gas production and alcohol consumption in U.S. counties
A Mayer, SO Hazboun
Extractive Industries and Society, 2019
For the love of sun and wind? Proximity to renewable energy facilities and support for renewable power across time and space in the United States
A Mayer, SO Hazboun, PD Howe
Energy Research & Social Science 73, 101910, 2021
‘Wise contrarians’ in contemporary climate science-policy-public interactions
M Boykoff, S Olson
Celebrity Studies 4, 276-291, 2013
Public Opinion on Climate Change in Rural America: A Potential Barrier to Resilience
S Olson-Hazboun, P Howe
Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States, 2019
Public opinion on renewable energy: The nexus of climate, politics, and economy
SK Olson-Hazboun
Utah State University, 2017
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