John Cadogan
John Cadogan
其他姓名John W. Cadogan
Professor of Marketing, University of Leicester
在 leicester.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
The performance impact of marketing resources
GJ Hooley, GE Greenley, JW Cadogan, J Fahy
Journal of business research 58 (1), 18-27, 2005
Entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, network ties, and performance: Study of entrepreneurial firms in a developing economy
N Boso, VM Story, JW Cadogan
Journal of business Venturing 28 (6), 708-727, 2013
Export market-oriented activities: Their antecedents and performance consequences
JW Cadogan, A Diamantopoulos, JA Siguaw
Journal of international Business studies 33, 615-626, 2002
Relationship selling and customer loyalty: an empirical investigation
BD Foster, JW Cadogan
Marketing intelligence & planning 18 (4), 185-199, 2000
Narver and Slater, Kohli and Jaworski and the market orientation construct: integration and internationalization
JW Cadogan∗¶, A Diamantopoulos
Journal of strategic marketing 3 (1), 41-60, 1995
A measure of export market orientation: scale development and cross-cultural validation
JW Cadogan, A Diamantopoulos, CP De Mortanges
Journal of international business studies 30, 689-707, 1999
Export market-oriented behavior and export performance: quadratic and moderating effects under differing degrees of market dynamism and internationalization
JW Cadogan, O Kuivalainen, S Sundqvist
Journal of international Marketing 17 (4), 71-89, 2009
Export market‐oriented behavior and export performance: the moderating roles of competitive intensity and technological turbulence
JW Cadogan, CC Cui, E Kwok Yeung Li
International marketing review 20 (5), 493-513, 2003
Market-focused resources, competitive positioning and firm performance
G Hooley, G Greenley, J Fahy, J Cadogan
Journal of marketing Management 17 (5-6), 503-520, 2001
Entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation as drivers of product innovation success: A study of exporters from a developing economy
N Boso, JW Cadogan, VM Story
International Small Business Journal 31 (1), 57-81, 2013
Key antecedents to “export” market-oriented behaviors: a cross-national empirical examination
JW Cadogan, NJ Paul, RT Salminen, K Puumalainen, S Sundqvist
International Journal of Research in Marketing 18 (3), 261-282, 2001
Complementary effect of entrepreneurial and market orientations on export new product success under differing levels of competitive intensity and financial capital
N Boso, JW Cadogan, VM Story
International Business Review 21 (4), 667-681, 2012
Consumer-based brand equity measurement: lessons learned from an international study
G Christodoulides, JW Cadogan, C Veloutsou
International Marketing Review 32 (3/4), 307-328, 2015
Enjoyment of the shopping experience: Impact on customers' repatronage intentions and gender influence
C Hart, AM Farrell, G Stachow, G Reed, JW Cadogan
The Service Industries Journal 27 (5), 583-604, 2007
The form of relationship between firm‐level product innovativeness and new product performance in developed and emerging markets
VM Story, N Boso, JW Cadogan
Journal of Product Innovation Management 32 (1), 45-64, 2015
Problems with formative and higher-order reflective variables
N Lee, JW Cadogan
Journal of Business Research 66 (2), 242-247, 2013
Firm innovativeness and export performance: Environmental, networking, and structural contingencies
N Boso, VM Story, JW Cadogan, M Micevski, S Kadić-Maglajlić
Journal of International Marketing 21 (4), 62-87, 2013
International marketing, strategic orientations and business success: Reflections on the path ahead
JW Cadogan
International Marketing Review 29 (4), 340-348, 2012
The service quality construct on a global stage
BC Imrie, JW Cadogan, R McNaughton
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 12 (1), 10-18, 2002
Factors facilitating and impeding the development of export market-oriented behavior: A study of Hong Kong manufacturing exporters
JW Cadogan, CC Cui, RE Morgan, VM Story
Industrial marketing management 35 (5), 634-647, 2006
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