Andrew Ainslie
Andrew Ainslie
Associate Professor, International Rural Development, University of Reading
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Options for support to agriculture and food security under climate change
SJ Vermeulen, PK Aggarwal, A Ainslie, C Angelone, BM Campbell, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 15 (1), 136-144, 2012
Participatory scenarios as a tool to link science and policy on food security under climate change in East Africa
M Chaudhury, J Vervoort, P Kristjanson, P Ericksen, A Ainslie
Regional Environmental Change 13, 389-398, 2013
Land use and livelihoods
M Andrew, A Ainslie, CM Shackleton
Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2003
When ‘community’ is not enough: managing common property natural resources in rural South Africa
A Ainslie
Development Southern Africa 16 (3), 375-401, 1999
Cattle ownership and production in the communal areas of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
T Kepe, L Ntsebeza, Z Ntshona, S Turner
PLAAS Research Report 10. University of the Western Cape, South Africa, 2002
Contested institutions? Traditional leaders and land access and control in communal areas of Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
J Bennett, A Ainslie, J Davis
Land use policy 32, 27-38, 2013
Understanding the resurgence of traditional authorities in post-apartheid South Africa
A Ainslie, T Kepe
Journal of Southern African Studies 42 (1), 19-33, 2016
Agriculture, food security and climate change: Outlook for knowledge, tools and action
SJ Vermeulen, PK Aggarwal, A Ainslie, C Angelone, BM Campbell, ...
CCAFS Report, 2010
Farming cattle, cultivating relationships: cattle ownership and cultural politics in Peddie District, Eastern Cape
A Ainslie
Social dynamics 31 (1), 129-156, 2005
Fenced in: Common property struggles in the management of communal rangelands in central Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
J Bennett, A Ainslie, J Davis
Land Use Policy 27 (2), 340-350, 2010
Grasslands of South Africa
AR Palmer, AM Ainslie
Grasslands of the World 34, 77, 2005
Country pasture/forage resource profiles: South Africa
T Palmer, A Ainslie
Department of Agriculture, Republic of South Africa, 2006
Analysis of farmer’s choices for climate change adaptation practices in South-Western Uganda, 1980–2009
A Zizinga, RYM Kangalawe, A Ainslie, MM Tenywa, J Majaliwa, ...
Climate 5 (4), 89, 2017
The sociocultural contexts and meanings associated with livestock keeping in rural South Africa
A Ainslie
African Journal of Range & Forage Science 30 (1-2), 35-38, 2013
Land use and rural livelihoods: Have they been enhanced through land reform?
M Andrew, C Shackleton, A Ainslie
Rural livelihoods and local level natural resource management in Peddie District
A Ainslie, S Cinderby, T Kepe, T Petse, PN Bradley
Land and Agriculture Policy Centre, 1996
Managing natural resources in a rural settlement in Peddie district
A Ainslie
Rhodes University, 1998
Chimpanzees, sorcery and contestation in a protected area in Guinea‐Bissau
J Sousa, CM Hill, A Ainslie
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale 25 (3), 364-379, 2017
Using rain-use efficiency to explore livestock production trends in rangelands in the Transkei, South Africa
AR Palmer, A Ainslie
African Journal of Range and Forage Science 24 (1), 43-49, 2007
Animal disease and the limits of local knowledge: dealing with ticks and tick‐borne diseases in South Africa
K Brown, A Ainslie, W Beinart
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 19 (2), 319-337, 2013
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