Frans  Umbu Datta
Frans Umbu Datta
Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine - Universitas Nusa Cendana
在 staf.undana.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Protein supplementation improves the performance of parasitised sheep fed a straw-based diet
FU Datta, JV Nolan, JB Rowe, GD Gray
International Journal for Parasitology 28 (8), 1269-1278, 1998
Long-term effects of short-term provision of protein-enriched diets on resistance to nematode infection, and live-weight gain and wool growth in sheepfn1
FU Datta, JV Nolan, JB Rowe, GD Gray, BJ Crook
International Journal for Parasitology 29 (3), 479-488, 1999
Uji aktivitas antimikroba bakteri asam laktat cairan rumen terhadap pertumbuhan Salmonella enteritidis, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus menggunakan …
FU Datta, AN Daki, I Benu, AIR Detha, NDFK Foeh, NA Ndaong
Jurnal Kajian Veteriner, 66-85, 2019
Protein and energy evaluation with rats of seed from 11 lupin cultivars
BO Eggum, GJ Tomes, F.U.Datta, RM Beames
Animal Feed Science and Technology 43 (1-2), 109-119, 1993
Antimicrobial activity of traditional wines (Sopi and Moke) against Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli
AIR Detha, FU Datta
Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research 3 (3), 282-285, 2016
Fractionation and identification antimicrobial activity of Sumba mare milk protein against causative agent of subclinical mastitis
A Detha, M Sudarwanto, H Latif, F Datta, P Rahayu
Global Veterinaria 11 (5), 674-680, 2013
Skrining fitokimia minuman tradisional moke dan sopi sebagai kandidat antimikroba
AIR Detha, FU Datta
Jurnal Kajian Veteriner 4 (1), 12-16, 2016
Efektivitas bakteri asam laktat yang diisolasi dari susu kuda sumba terhadap kualitas silase jerami padi
AIR Detha, FU Datta, E Beribe, NDFK Foeh, N Ndaong
Jurnal Kajian Veteriner 6 (1), 31-37, 2018
Aktivitas antimikroba sopi terhadap bakteri patogen Salmonella typhimurium dan Salmonella enteritidis
AIR Detha, FU Datta
Jurnal Kajian Veteriner 3 (1), 17-21, 2015
Effects of Local Feed Supplementation on the Performance of Bligon Goat Does at the End of Gestation Reared in West Timor Savannah
AE Manu, E Baliarti, S Keman, FU Datta
Animal Production 9 (1), 2007
Teknologi Pengolahan Pakan Amoniase Pada Sapi di Desa Nggorang, Kecamatan Komodo Manggarai Barat, NTT
N Ndaong, A Detha, FU Datta, N Foeh, G Maranatha
International Journal of Community Service Learning 3 (4), 252-259, 2019
Karakteristik antimikroba bakteri asam laktat susu kuda sumba terhadap bakteri salmonella typhimurium
A Detha, MG Jo, N Foeh, N Ndaong, FU Datta
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production 21 (1), 50-56, 2020
Pemanfaatan Limbah Organik sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair Pertanian di Desa Camplong II, Kec. Fatuleu, Kab. Kupang, NTT
CD Gaina, FU Datta, MUE Sanam, FA Amalo
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Peternakan 5 (2), 2020
Pendampingan Pengolahan Limbah Peternakan Sapi Potong di Kelompok Tani Ternak untuk Mendukung Pertanian Skala Rumah Tangga, Desa Camplong II, Kabupaten Kupang, NTT
C Gaina, FU Datta, MUE Sanam, FA Amalo, I Benu, MM Laut
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Peternakan 5 (1), 2020
Skrining Fitokimia Minuman Tradisional Moke dan Sopi sebagai Kandidat Antimikroba (Phytochemical of Sopi and Moke as a Potential Antimicrobial Agent)
A Detha, D FU
J Kaji Vet 4, 2017
Isolation Of Lactic Acid Bacteria From Ruments Of Cattle As A Starter In The Manufacture Of Silage
N Foeh, FUD Datta, A Detha, N Ndaong
Prosiding Seminar Internasional “5th ICAMBBE, 2018
Survey Berbagai Parameter Peternakan di Nusa Tenggara Timur
FH Lawalu, FU Datta, MUE Sanam, P Romeo, S Doke
Hasil Penelitian Kabupaten. Fapet-Undana. Kupang, 2000
Antibacterial Activity of Sopi on Farms
A Detha, FU Datta
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan 4, 153-158, 2016
Pengaruh suplementasi pakan kokal terhadap produktitas induk kambing bligon bunting tua yang dipelihara di padang sabana timor barat
AE Manu, E Baliarti, S Keman, FU Datta
Animal Production 9 (1), 1-8, 2007
Evaluation of Digestability and Rumen Parameters Through In-vitro Concentrate Containing Binahong Flour as Secondary Compound
AA Widu, FU Datta, MM Kleden
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 16 (4), 362-367, 2021
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