HAILU Tadesse Bekele
HAILU Tadesse Bekele
其他姓名Tadesse Bekele
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Hotel and Tourism Management
在 connect.polyu.hk 的电子邮件经过验证
The effects of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) on senior tourists’ experiential quality, perceived advantages, perceived enjoyment, and reuse intention
J Yu, S Kim, TB Hailu, J Park, H Han
Current Issues in Tourism 27 (3), 464-478, 2024
Emerging armchair travel: Investigation of authentic armchair travel experiences and their effect on armchair travel stickiness
BL Chua, S Kim, TB Hailu, J Yu, H Moon, H Han
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 40 (3), 203-220, 2023
Effects of AI ChatGPT on travelers’ travel decision-making
JH Kim, J Kim, S Kim, TB Hailu
Tourism Review, 2023
Does central bank digital currency (CBDC) payment create the opportunity for the tourism industry?
JJ Kim, S Kim, TB Hailu, HB Ryu, H Han
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 10963480231158773, 2023
Exploring travelers’ readiness to adopt cryptocurrency payment (vs mobile payment)
W Quan, S Kim, TB Hailu, W Ahmad, H Han
Current Issues in Tourism, 1-18, 2023
Psychological dynamics in the metaverse: evaluating perceived values, attitude, and behavioral intention in metaverse events
M Choi, Y Choi, S Nosrati, TB Hailu, S Kim
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 40 (7), 602-618, 2023
Determinants of approach behavior for ChatGPT and their configurational influence in the hospitality and tourism sector: a cumulative prospect theory
H Han, S Kim, TB Hailu, A Al-Ansi, SMC Loureiro, JJ Kim
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2024
Effects of cognitive, affective and normative drivers of artificial intelligence ChatGP T on continuous use intention
H Han, S Kim, TB Hailu, A Al-Ansi, J Lee, JJ Kim
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 2024
Impacts of UAM on tourism: the roles of innovative characteristics, motivated consumer innovativeness, attitude, problem awareness, and cultural differences
JJ Kim, S Kim, TB Hailu, H Ha, H Han
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 28 (12), 1452-1472, 2023
Understanding of hospitality service robot consumption value
TB Hailu, SS Kim
2023 APacCHRIE Conference, 658-659, 2023
Is Armchair tourism enjoyable? Authentic armchair travel experience and its effect on stickiness
BL Chua, S Blankson-Stiles-Ocran, TB Hailu, ESW Ling, J Yu, HG Moon
APacCHRIE 2023 Main Conference, 2023
Robot Service Consumption Values: Antecedents and Consequences in Robotic Restaurant Services??
EGW Tadesse Bekele Hailu, Sam Kim
the GLOSITH Conference, 10 to 12 Nov. Macau 3, 2023
Assessing Supplies of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises to the Tourism Industry in Aksum Town, Ethiopia
T Bekele, W Mezgebo
Challenges for Developing Tourism in Awi Zone
E Tadesse Bekele Hailu and Getaneh Addis Tessema, Department of Tourism and ...
Journal of Exclusive Management Science 7 (6), 9, 2018
Assessment of Opportunities and Challenges of Agricultural Investment in the Tigray Region
T Gidey, A Tadesse, DB AbdelaYasin, T Bekele, T Sintayehu
Value Chain Development in Vegetable Production in Tigray Workshop organized …, 2017
Assessing the Problems in Linking Tourism and Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in Aksum Town
E Tadesse Bekele, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, College of ...
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports 21, 9, 2016
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