Steven Lavrenz
Steven Lavrenz
在 wayne.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Safety sensitivity to roadway characteristics: A comparison across highway classes
S Chen, TU Saeed, M Alinizzi, S Lavrenz, S Labi
Accident Analysis & Prevention 123, 39-50, 2019
Time series modeling in traffic safety research
SM Lavrenz, EI Vlahogianni, K Gkritza, Y Ke
Accident Analysis & Prevention 117, 368-380, 2018
Resilience and robustness in long-term planning of the national energy and transportation system
E Ibanez, S Lavrenz, K Gkritza, DA Mejia-Giraldo, V Krishnan, ...
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 12 (1-2), 82-103, 2016
Integrating traffic signal performance measures into agency business processes
CM Day, DM Bullock, H Li, SM Lavrenz, WB Smith, JR Sturdevant
Modeling driver behavior in dilemma zones: A discrete/continuous formulation with selectivity bias corrections
SM Lavrenz, VD Pyrialakou, K Gkritza
Analytic Methods in Accident Research 3, 44-55, 2014
Exploring the effects of area-level factors on traffic crash frequency by severity using multivariate space-time models
A Azimian, VD Pyrialakou, S Lavrenz, S Wen
Analytic Methods in Accident Research 31, 100163, 2021
Assessing longitudinal arterial performance and traffic signal retiming outcomes
SM Lavrenz, CM Day, WB Smith, JR Sturdevant, DM Bullock
Transportation Research Record 2558 (1), 66-77, 2016
Estimating the marginal cost of pavement damage by highway users on the basis of practical schedules for pavement maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction
A Ahmed, Q Bai, S Lavrenz, S Labi
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 11 (8), 1069-1082, 2015
Strategic methods for modernizing traffic signal maintenance management and quantifying the impact of maintenance activities
S Lavrenz, J Sturdevant, D Bullock
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 23 (4), 05017004, 2017
Assessing the impact of traffic signal performance on crash frequency for signalized intersections along urban arterials: A random parameter modeling approach
R Kabir, SM Remias, SM Lavrenz, J Waddell
Accident Analysis & Prevention 149, 105868, 2021
Use of high-resolution signal controller data to identify red light running
SM Lavrenz, CM Day, J Grossman, R Freije, DM Bullock
Transportation Research Record 2558 (1), 41-53, 2016
Use of both travel time and travel time reliability measures to quantify benefits of signal timing maintenance and optimization
H Li, SM Lavrenz, CM Day, AL Stevens, DM Bullock
Transportation Research Record 2487 (1), 55-68, 2015
Can interdependency considerations enhance forecasts of bridge infrastructure condition? Evidence using a multivariate regression approach
SM Lavrenz, TU Saeed, J Murillo-Hoyos, M Volovski, S Labi
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 16 (8), 1177-1185, 2020
Costs and revenues associated with overweight trucks in Indiana.
A Ahmed, BRDK Agbelie, S Lavrenz, M Keefer, S Labi, KC Sinha
Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program, 2012
Fatal crashes at highway rail grade crossings: A US based study
S Das, X Kong, SM Lavrenz, L Wu, M Jalayer
International journal of transportation science and technology 11 (1), 107-117, 2022
Environmental and energy impacts of automated electric highway systems
S Lavrenz, K Gkritza
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (3), 221-232, 2013
Extending link pivot offset optimization to arterials with single controller diverging diamond interchange
CM Day, SM Lavrenz, AL Stevens, RE Miller, DM Bullock
Transportation Research Record, 2016
Service life and condition rating prediction of steel bridges
S Lavrenz, J Murillo-Hoyos, MJ Volovski, TU Saeed, S Labi
Proc., 8th Int. Symp. on Steel Bridges: Innovation & New Challenges, 667-674, 2015
Characterizing signalized intersection performance using maximum vehicle delay
SM Lavrenz, CM Day, AM Hainen, WB Smith, AL Stevens, H Li, ...
Transportation Research Record, 2015
Use of maximum vehicle delay to characterize signalized intersection performance
SM Lavrenz, CM Day, AM Hainen, WB Smith, AL Stevens, H Li, ...
Transportation Research Record 2488 (1), 41-52, 2015
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