Yamuna Krishnamurthy
Bayesian optimal active search and surveying
R Garnett, Y Krishnamurthy, X Xiong, J Schneider, R Mann
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2012), 2012
Flexible and adaptive qos control for distributed real-time and embedded middleware
RE Schantz, JP Loyall, C Rodrigues, DC Schmidt, Y Krishnamurthy, ...
Middleware 2003: ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference Rio de …, 2003
AlphaD3M: Machine learning pipeline synthesis
I Drori, Y Krishnamurthy, R Rampin, RP Lourenco, JP Ono, K Cho, C Silva, ...
ICML 2018 AutoML Workshop, 2021
Application of the QuO quality-of-service framework to a distributed video application
DA Karr, C Rodrigues, Y Krishnamurthy, I Pyarali, DC Schmidt
Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Distributed Objects and …, 2001
Integration of QoS-enabled distributed object computing middleware for developing next-generation distributed application
Y Krishnamurthy, V Kachroo, DA Karr, C Rodrigues, DC Schmidt
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 36 (8), 230-237, 2001
Automatic machine learning by pipeline synthesis using model-based reinforcement learning and a grammar
I Drori, Y Krishnamurthy, R Lourenco, R Rampin, K Cho, C Silva, J Freire
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.10345, 2019
Developing next-generation distributed applications with QoS enabled DPE middleware
DC Schmidt, V Kachroo, Y Krishnamurthy, F Kuhns
IEEE Communications magazine 38 (10), 112-123, 2000
The design and implementation of real-time CORBA 2.0: Dynamic scheduling in TAO
Y Krishnamurthy, I Pyarali, C Gill, L Mgeta, Y Zhang, S Torn, DC Schmidt
Proceedings. RTAS 2004. 10th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and …, 2004
Bayesian optimal active search on graphs
R Garnett, Y Krishnamurthy, D Wang, J Schneider, R Mann
Ninth Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, 2011
Interactive Exploration for Domain Discovery on the Web
Y Krishnamurthy, K Pham, A Santos, J Freire
IDEA Workshop at KDD, 2016
Applying QoS-enabled Distributed Object Computing Middleware to Next-generation Distributed Applications
DC Schmidt, V Kachroo, Y Krishnamurthy, F Kuhns
IEEE Communications Magazine 38 (10), 112-123, 2000
Raoni de Paula Lourenco, Jorge Piazentin Ono, Kyunghyun Cho, Claudio Silva, and Juliana Freire. 2018. AlphaD3M: Machine learning pipeline synthesis
I Drori, Y Krishnamurthy, R Rampin
AutoML Workshop at ICML, 2018
Supporting complaints investigation for nursing and midwifery regulatory agencies
P Lertvittayakumjorn, I Petej, Y Gao, Y Krishnamurthy, A Van Der Gaag, ...
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2021
The Design and Performance of a CORBA Audio
S Mungee, N Surendran, DC Schmidt, Y Krishnamurthy
Video Streaming Service 158, 1999
Use of artificial intelligence in regulatory decision-making
R Jago, A van der Gaag, K Stathis, I Petej, P Lertvittayakumjorn, ...
Journal of Nursing Regulation 12 (3), 11-19, 2021
ECML PKDD 2020 Workshops: Workshops of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2020): SoGood 2020, PDFL 2020, MLCS 2020 …
I Koprinska, M Kamp, A Appice, C Loglisci, L Antonie, A Zimmermann, ...
Springer Nature, 2021
Improving expert specialization in mixture of experts
Y Krishnamurthy, C Watkins, T Gaertner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.14703, 2023
Interpretability in gated modular neural networks
Y Krishnamurthy, C Watkins
eXplainable AI approaches for debugging and diagnosis workshop, NeurIPS 2021, 2021
Enhancing adaptivity via standard dynamic scheduling middleware
C Gill, L Mgeta, Y Zhang, S Torri, Y Krishnamurthy, I Pyarali, DC Schmidt
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 10, 21-32, 2004
Design and implementation of QoS enabled OO middleware
V Kachroo, Y Krishnamurthy, F Kuhns, RG Akers, P Avasthi, S Kumar, ...
Internet2 QoS Workshop, 2000
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