Carson Slabaugh
Carson Slabaugh
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3kHz PIV/OH-PLIF measurements in a gas turbine combustor at elevated pressure
I Boxx, C Slabaugh, P Kutne, RP Lucht, W Meier
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (3), 3793–3802, 2015
Performance Characterization of a Natural Gas–Air Rotating Detonation Engine
IV Walters, A Lemcherfi, RM Gejji, SD Heister, CD Slabaugh
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 1-13, 2020
Simultaneous 5 kHz OH-PLIF/PIV for the study of turbulent combustion at engine conditions
CD Slabaugh, AC Pratt, RP Lucht
Applied Physics B 118, 109-130, 2015
High-Speed Diagnostics in a Natural Gas–Air Rotating Detonation Engine
CL Journell, RM Gejji, IV Walters, AI Lemcherfi, CD Slabaugh, JB Stout
Journal of Propulsion and Power 36 (4), 498-507, 2020
Self-sustained, high-frequency detonation wave generation in a semi-bounded channel
K Schwinn, R Gejji, B Kan, S Sardeshmukh, S Heister, CD Slabaugh
Combustion and Flame 193, 384-396, 2018
Transducer Installation Effects on Pressure Measurements in PGC Devices
RM Gejji, IV Walters, S Beard, A Lemcherfi, SV Sardeshmukh, SD Heister, ...
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0158, 2018
The development of an optically accessible, high-power combustion test rig
CD Slabaugh, AC Pratt, RP Lucht, SE Meyer, M Benjamin, K Lyle, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (3), 2014
Flow and performance analysis of a natural gas-air rotating detonation engine with high-speed velocimetry
IV Walters, RM Gejji, SD Heister, CD Slabaugh
Combustion and Flame 232, 111549, 2021
Chirped probe pulse femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering thermometry at 5kHz in a Gas Turbine Model Combustor
CN Dennis, CD Slabaugh, IG Boxx, W Meier, RP Lucht
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (3), 3731-3738, 2015
Operability of a Natural Gas–Air Rotating Detonation Engine
IV Walters, CL Journell, A Lemcherfi, RM Gejji, SD Heister, CD Slabaugh
Journal of Propulsion and Power 36 (3), 453-464, 2020
Design and Development of the High Pressure Combustion Laboratory at Purdue University
SE Meyer, SD Heister, C Slabaugh, RP Lucht, A Pratt, RM Gejji, M Bedard, ...
53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 4965, 2017
High-bandwidth absorption-spectroscopy measurements of temperature, pressure, CO, and HO in the annulus of a rotating detonation rocket engine
GC Mathews, MG Blaisdell, AI Lemcherfi, CD Slabaugh, CS Goldenstein
Applied Physics B 127 (12), 165, 2021
Coupled interactions of a helical precessing vortex core and the central recirculation bubble in a swirl flame at elevated power density
R Zhang, I Boxx, W Meier, CD Slabaugh
Combustion and Flame 202, 119-131, 2019
5 kHz thermometry in a swirl-stabilized gas turbine model combustor using chirped probe pulse femtosecond CARS. Part 1: Temporally resolved swirl-flame thermometry
CN Dennis, CD Slabaugh, IG Boxx, W Meier, RP Lucht
Combustion and Flame 173, 441-453, 2016
Self-excited transverse combustion instabilities in a high pressure lean premixed jet flame
T Buschhagen, R Gejji, J Philo, L Tran, JEP Bilbao, CD Slabaugh
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (4), 5181-5188, 2019
High-repetition-rate planar measurements in the wake of a reacting jet injected into a swirling vitiated crossflow
PP Panda, M Roa, CD Slabaugh, S Peltier, CD Carter, WR Laster, ...
Combustion and Flame 163, 241-257, 2016
Structure and dynamics of premixed swirl flames at elevated power density
CD Slabaugh, I Boxx, S Werner, RP Lucht, W Meier
AIAA Journal 54 (3), 946-961, 2016
Time-resolved imaging of the cellular structure of methane and natural gas detonations
MD Frederick, RM Gejji, JE Shepherd, CD Slabaugh
Shock Waves 32, 337–351, 2022
Parametric survey of a natural gas-air rotating detonation engine at elevated pressure
IV Walters, CL Journell, A Lemcherfi, R Gejji, SD Heister, CD Slabaugh
AIAA scitech 2019 forum, 1510, 2019
Experimental Investigation of Self-Excited Combustion Instabilities in a Lean, Premixed, Gas Turbine Combustor at High Pressure
T Buschhagen, R Gejji, J Philo, L Tran, JEP Bilbao, CD Slabaugh
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2018
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