Arseny Shlykov
Arseny Shlykov
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Controlled source radiomagnetotellurics: A tool for near surface investigations in remote regions
A Saraev, A Simakov, A Shlykov, B Tezkan
Journal of applied geophysics 146, 228-237, 2017
Estimating the macroanisotropy of a horizontally layered section from controlled-source radiomagnetotelluric soundings
AA Shlykov, AK Saraev
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth 51, 583-601, 2015
Mobile and controlled source modifications of the radiomagnetotelluric method and prospects of their applications in the near-surface geophysics. IAGA WG 1.2 on Electromagnetic …
A Simakov, A Saraev, N Antonov, A Shlykov, B Tezkan
20th Workshop, Giza, Egypt, 2010
Study of a permafrost area in the northern part of Siberia using controlled source radiomagnetotellurics
A Shlykov, A Saraev, B Tezkan
Pure and applied geophysics 177, 5845-5859, 2020
Wave effects in the field of a high-frequency horizontal electric dipole
AA Shlykov, AK Saraev
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth 50, 249-262, 2014
Studying Vertical Anisotropy of a Horizontally Layered Section Using the Controlled Source Radiomagnetotellurics: an Example from the North-Western Region of Russia.
A Shlykov, A Saraev, S Agrahari
Geophysica 54 (2), 2019
Application of the controlled source radiomagnetotellurics (CSRMT) in the study of rocks overlying kimberlite pipes in Yakutia/Siberia
AK Saraev, AA Shlykov, B Tezkan
Geosciences 12 (1), 34, 2022
One-dimensional laterally constrained joint anisotropic inversion of CSRMT and ERT data
A Shlykov, A Saraev, S Agrahari, B Tezkan, A Singh
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 26 (1), 35-48, 2021
Rariomagnetotelluric soundings method with a controlled source
A Saraev, A Simakov, A Shlykov
The Russian Geophysics Journal 1, 18-25, 2014
3D controlled-source electromagnetic inversion in the radio-frequency band
M Smirnova, A Shlykov, S Fadavi Asghari, B Tezkan, A Saraev, ...
Geophysics 88 (1), E1-E12, 2023
On the study of industrial waste sites on the Karelian Isthmus/Russia using the RMT and CSRMT methods
A Saraev, A Simakov, B Tezkan, I Tokarev, A Shlykov
Journal of Applied Geophysics 175, 103993, 2020
Parallel simulation of audio-and radio-magnetotelluric data
N Yavich, M Malovichko, A Shlykov
Minerals 10 (1), 42, 2019
Applicability of unmanned aircraft systems as a carrier for conducting low-depth electrical prospecting (Russian)
VD Gulin, OA Zakharova, GS Grigoriev, EV Sivaev, VG Ancev, ...
Oil Industry Journal 2021 (05), 67-71, 2021
Tensor CSRMT System with Horizontal Electrical Dipole Sources and Prospects of Its Application in Arctic Permafrost Regions
AK Saraev, AA Shlykov, NY Bobrov
Eng 4 (1), 569-580, 2023
Electromagnetic field features of the CSAMT with the long-range action of thousands kilometers
A Saraev, A Shlykov
Extended Abstract, 21st EM Induction Workshop, Darwin, Australia S 1, 18, 2012
Joint 2D Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Radio/Audio Magnetotellurgic Data
AE Kaminskii, SA Erokhin, AA Shlykov
Geofizika, 32-39, 2015
Features of electromagnetic field of a horizontal electric dipole used in the controlled source RMT method
A Shlykov, A Saraev
75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, cp-348-00422, 2013
CSAMT with the Long-range Action of Thousands Kilometers
A Saraev, A Shlykov
74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating EUROPEC 2012, cp-293-00621, 2012
Interpretation of CSRMT data in the Study of Anisotropic Media
A Shlykov, A Saraev, B Tezkan
Second EAGE Conference on Near Surface in Latin America 2022 (1), 1-6, 2022
Polarization of a High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field in the Tensor CSRMT Method
AA Shlykov, AK Saraev
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth 58 (5), 734-743, 2022
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