María Mercedes Castillo
María Mercedes Castillo
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Stream ecology: structure and function of running waters
JD Allan, MM Castillo, KA Capps
Springer Nature, 2021
A blast of gas in the latest Paleocene: Simulating first-order effects of massive dissociation of oceanic methane hydrate
GR Dickens, MM Castillo, JCG Walker
Geology 25 (3), 259, 1997
Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones
SD Tiegs, DM Costello, MW Isken, G Woodward, PB McIntyre, ...
Science Advances 5 (1), eaav0486, 2019
Nutrient concentrations and discharges in a Midwestern agricultural catchment
MM Castillo, JD Allan, S Brunzell
Journal of Environmental Quality 29 (4), 1142-1151, 2000
Seasonal and interannual variation of bacterial production in lowland rivers of the Orinoco basin
MM Castillo, J David Allan, RL Sinsabaugh, GW Kling
Freshwater Biology 49 (11), 1400-1414, 2004
Pulsing hydrology determines top‐down control of basal resources in a tropical river–floodplain ecosystem
KO Winemiller, CG MONTAna, DL Roelke, JB Cotner, JV Montoya, ...
Ecological Monographs 84 (4), 621-635, 2014
Bottom‐up controls on bacterial production in tropical lowland rivers
MM Castillo, GW Kling, J David Allan
Limnology and Oceanography 48 (4), 1466-1475, 2003
Dam implications on salt-water intrusion and land use within a tropical estuarine environment of the Gulf of Mexico
JC Alcérreca-Huerta, ME Callejas-Jiménez, L Carrillo, MM Castillo
Science of The Total Environment 652, 1102-1112, 2019
Influence of hydrological seasonality on bacterioplankton in two neotropical floodplain lakes
MM Castillo
Hydrobiologia 437, 57-69, 2000
La importancia de las inundaciones periódicas para el funcionamiento y conservación de los ecosistemas inundables de grandes ríos tropicales: estudios en la cuenca del Orinoco
JV Montoya, MM Castillo, L Sánchez
Interciencia 36 (12), 900-907, 2011
Land use and topography as predictors of nutrient levels in a tropical catchment
MM Castillo
Limnologica 40 (4), 322-329, 2010
Stream ecology: structure and function of running waters.
JD Allan, MM Castillo
The effects of human land use on flow regime and water chemistry of headwater streams in the highlands of Chiapas
MM Castillo, H Morales, E Valencia, JJ Morales, JJ Cruz-Motta
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 09, 2012
Influence of land use on the riparian zone condition along an urban-rural gradient on the Sabinal River, Mexico
E Díaz-Pascacio, A Ortega-Argueta, MM Castillo-Uzcanga, ...
Botanical Sciences 96 (2), 180-199, 2018
Detrital energy sources
JD Allan, MM Castillo
Stream ecology: Structure and function of running waters, 135-161, 2007
Suspended sediment, nutrients, and chlorophyll in tropical floodplain lakes with different patterns of hydrological connectivity
MM Castillo
Limnologica 82, 125767, 2020
Taxonomic and functional responses of macroinvertebrates to riparian forest conversion in tropical streams
A Espinoza-Toledo, M Mendoza-Carranza, MM Castillo, E Barba-Macías, ...
Science of The Total Environment 757, 143972, 2021
Large-scale shrimp farming in coastal wetlands of Venezuela, South America: Causes and consequences of land-use conflicts
M Sebastiani, SE González, MM Castillo, P Alvizu, MA Oliveira, J Pérez, ...
Environmental Management 18, 647-661, 1994
Home garden agrobiodiversity in cultural landscapes in the tropical lowlands of Tabasco, México
A Alcudia-Aguilar, H van der Wal, J Suárez-Sánchez, ...
Agroforestry systems 92, 1329-1339, 2018
Temporal changes in the hydrology and nutrient concentrations of a large tropical river: A nthropogenic influence in the L ower G rijalva R iver, M exico
A Lázaro‐Vázquez, MM Castillo, A Jarquín‐Sánchez, L Carrillo, ...
River research and applications 34 (7), 649-660, 2018
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