Giovanni Vecchio
Transport and equity in Latin America: a critical review of socially oriented accessibility assessments
G Vecchio, I Tiznado-Aitken, R Hurtubia
Transport Reviews 40 (3), 354-381, 2020
Accessibility and the Capabilities Approach: a review of the literature and proposal for conceptual advancements
G Vecchio, K Martens
Transport Reviews 41 (6), 833-854, 2021
“May the Force move you”: Roles and actors of information sharing devices in urban mobility
G Vecchio, L Tricarico
Cities 88, 261-268, 2019
Microstories of everyday mobilities and opportunities in Bogotá: A tool for bringing capabilities into urban mobility planning
G Vecchio
Journal of Transport Geography 83, 102652, 2020
Inequalities in job-related accessibility: Testing an evaluative approach and its policy relevance in Buenos Aires
P Pucci, G Vecchio, L Bocchimuzzi, G Lanza
Applied Geography 107, 1-11, 2019
Democracy on the move? Bogotá’s urban transport strategies and the access to the city
G Vecchio
City, Territory and Architecture 4 (15), 1-15, 2017
Pandemic-related streets transformations: Accelerating sustainable mobility transitions in Latin America
G Vecchio, I Tiznado-Aitken, R Mora-Vega
Case Studies on Transport Policy 9 (4), 1825-1835, 2021
Mobility and Accessibility of the Ageing Society. Defining Profiles of the Elderly Population and Neighbourhood
M Akhavan, G Vecchio
TeMA-Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 9-22, 2018
A bumpy ride: structural inequalities, quality standards, and institutional limitations affecting cycling infrastructure
I Tiznado-Aitken, R Mora, G Oyarzún, J Vergara, G Vecchio
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 110, 103434, 2022
Movilidad urbana y personas mayores en Santiago de Chile: el valor de integrar métodos de análisis, un estudio en el barrio San Eugenio
G Vecchio, B Castillo, S Steiniger
Revista de Urbanismo, 26-45, 2020
Enabling Mobilities: Planning Tools for People and Their Mobilities
P Pucci, G Vecchio
Springer International Publishing, 2019
Delivery workers and the interplay of digital and mobility (in) justice
G Vecchio, I Tiznado-Aitken, C Albornoz, M Tironi
Digital Geography and Society 3, 100036, 2022
Tianguis shaping ciudad. Informal street vending as a decisive element for economy, society and culture in Mexico.
S Mete, L Tomaino, G Vecchio
The Journal of Urbanism 26 (1), 1-13, 2013
Unequal periurban mobility: Travel patterns, modal choices and urban core dependence in Latin America
I Tiznado-Aitken, G Vecchio, LA Guzmán, J Arellana, M Humberto, ...
Habitat International 133, 102752, 2023
Socio-spatial concerns in urban mobility planning: Insights from competing policies in Quito
G Vecchio, R Porreca, D Jacome Rivera
Sustainability 12 (7), 2923, 2020
Fair transport policies for older people: Accessibility and affordability of public transport in Santiago, Chile
G Vecchio, I Tiznado-Aitken, B Castillo, S Steiniger
Transportation 51 (2), 689-715, 2024
Vulnerable individuals and institutions: The double territorial burden of COVID-19 in Chile
G Vecchio, I Tiznado-Aitken, S Steiniger
Town Planning Review 92 (2), 271-277, 2021
Producing Opportunities Together: Sharing-Based Policy Approaches for Marginal Mobilities in Bogotá
G Vecchio
Urban Science 2 (54), 1-18, 2018
Habitar, pertenecer y participar: actitud hacia el barrio y participación ciudadana en Santiago de Chile
G Vecchio, C Huerta-Olivares, BPL Kanacri
Bitácora Urbano Territorial 31 (1), 2021
Stations: Nodes and Places of Everyday Life
P Pucci, G Vecchio
Enabling Mobilities, 59-79, 2019
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