Pedro C. Diniz
Pedro C. Diniz
在 inesc-id.pt 的电子邮件经过验证
Preprocessing techniques for context recognition from accelerometer data
D Figo, PC Diniz, DR Ferreira, JMP Cardoso
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 14, 645-662, 2010
Addressing failures in exascale computing
M Snir, RW Wisniewski, JA Abraham, SV Adve, S Bagchi, P Balaji, J Belak, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 28 (2 …, 2014
Mapping irregular applications to DIVA, a PIM-based data-intensive architecture
M Hall, P Kogge, J Koller, P Diniz, J Chame, J Draper, J LaCoss, ...
Proceedings of the 1999 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 57-es, 1999
A compiler approach to fast hardware design space exploration in FPGA-based systems
B So, MW Hall, PC Diniz
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 37 (5), 165-176, 2002
Commutativity analysis: A new analysis technique for parallelizing compilers
MC Rinard, PC Diniz
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 19 (6), 942-991, 1997
Dynamic feedback: An effective technique for adaptive computing
PC Diniz, MC Rinard
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1997 conference on Programming language …, 1997
Compiling for reconfigurable computing: A survey
JMP Cardoso, PC Diniz, M Weinhardt
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 42 (4), 1-65, 2010
Automatic synthesis of data storage and control structures for FPGA-based computing engines
P Diniz, J Park
Proceedings 2000 IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing …, 2000
LARA: an aspect-oriented programming language for embedded systems
JMP Cardoso, T Carvalho, JGF Coutinho, W Luk, R Nobre, P Diniz, ...
Proceedings of the 11th annual international conference on Aspect-oriented …, 2012
DEFACTO: A design environment for adaptive computing technology
K Bondalapati, P Diniz, P Duncan, J Granacki, M Hall, R Jain, H Ziegler
Parallel and Distributed Processing: 11th IPPS/SPDP’99 Workshops Held in …, 1999
Commutativity analysis: A new analysis framework for parallelizing compilers
MC Rinard, PC Diniz
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 31 (5), 54-67, 1996
Providing user context for mobile and social networking applications
AC Santos, JMP Cardoso, DR Ferreira, PC Diniz, P Chaínho
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 6 (3), 324-341, 2010
Compilation techniques for reconfigurable architectures
JMP Cardoso, PC Diniz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Lock coarsening: Eliminating lock overhead in automatically parallelized object-based programs
PC Diniz, MC Rinard
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 49 (2), 218-244, 1998
Parallel algorithms for dynamically partitioning unstructured grids
P Diniz, S Plimpton, B Hendrickson, R Leland
Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States), 1994
Synthesis of pipelined memory access controllers for streamed data applications on FPGA-based computing engines
J Park, PC Diniz
Proceedings of the 14th international symposium on Systems synthesis, 221-226, 2001
Embedded computing for high performance: Efficient mapping of computations using customization, code transformations and compilation
JMP Cardoso, JG de Figueiredo Coutinho, PC Diniz
Morgan Kaufmann, 2017
Using estimates from behavioral synthesis tools in compiler-directed design space exploration
B So, PC Diniz, MW Hall
Proceedings of the 40th annual Design Automation Conference, 514-519, 2003
Synchronization transformations for parallel computing
P Diniz, M Rinard
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1997
Bridging the gap between compilation and synthesis in the DEFACTO system
P Diniz, M Hall, J Park, B So, H Ziegler
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 14th International Workshop …, 2003
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