Sara Fawaz
Sara Fawaz
ESME Sudria / LSEE - Université d'Artois
在 esme.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Experimental Electromagnetic Characterization of High Temperature Superconductors Coils Located in Proximity to Electromagnetically Active Materials
Y Statra, S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine
Fluid Dynamic and Material Process 18 (5), 1529-1537, 2022
Characterization of a superconducting power filter for embedded electrical grid application
B Douine, L Queval, F Trillaud, S Fawaz, H Menana, I Schwenker, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 32 (4), 1-4, 2022
DC modeling and characterization of HTS coils with non uniform current density distribution
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine, L Quéval
Superconductor Science and Technology 34 (12), 124001, 2021
Fast modeling approach of large-scale non-inductive HTS coils under different current supply
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine, L Queval
Physica Scripta 98 (4), 045503, 2023
Numerical and experimental investigations of HTS coils inductance
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (9), 1-4, 2022
Études numériques et expérimentales de bobines supraconductrices HTC pour des applications en énergie électrique
S Fawaz
Université de Lorraine, 2023
Caractérisations expérimentale et numérique des supraconducteurs HTC pour des applications en énergie électrique
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine
Symposium de Génie Électrique (SGE 2023), 2023
Losses in Large Scale Non-Inductive High Temperature Superconducting Coils
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine
The 8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM2023), 2023
Fast integral modeling approach for the characterization of a superconductor stabilizer in DC electric grid
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine
Symposium on Advanced Technologies in Electrical Systems-SATES23, 2023
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Electromagnetic Parameters of Superconducting Coils
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine
International Conference on Quantum Materials and Technology (ICQMT), 2022
Fast integral modeling approach of large-scale non-inductive HTS coils
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine
8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of High Temperature …, 2022
AC losses in non-inductive high temperature superconducting coils: modeling and measurements
F Trillaud, B Douine, S Fawaz, H Menana, N Ivanov
23rd Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG 2021, 2022
Numerical modeling and experimental study of HTS coils inductance
S Fawaz, H Menana, Y Statra, B Douine
23rd Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG 2021, 2022
DC characterization of HTS coils with non-uniform current density distribution using E (J) and Jc (B) dependency
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine, L Queval
7th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, 2021
Modélisation et caractérisation en courant continu des bobines SHTC avec une distribution non uniforme de la densité de courant
S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine, L Queval
13es Journées de Cryogénie et de Supraconductivité, 2021
Caractérisation de rubans supraconducteurs pour des applications en génie électrique
B Douine, S Fawaz, H Menana, Y Statra
Symposium de Génie Electrique, SGE 2020, 2021
Experimental characterization of the electromagnetic properties of HTS coils in self field and with the proximity of electromagnetically active materials
Y Statra, S Fawaz, H Menana, B Douine
International Conference on MATERIALS & ENERGY, ICOME2021, 2021
文章 1–17