Tod D. Rutherford
Tod D. Rutherford
Professor, Department of Geography, Syracuse University
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‘The flea on the tail of the dog’: power in global production networks and the restructuring of Canadian automotive clusters
T Rutherford, J Holmes
Journal of Economic Geography 8 (4), 519-544, 2008
De/Re‐centring work and class?: A review and critique of labour geography
T Rutherford
Geography Compass 4 (7), 768-777, 2010
Labour in ‘lean’times: geography, scale and the national trajectories of workplace change
TD Rutherford, MS Gertler
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 27 (2), 195-212, 2002
Innovation in the automotive tool, die and mould industry: A case study of the Windsor-Essex region
J Holmes, T Rutherford, S Fitzgibbon
Global networks and local linkages: The paradox of cluster development in an …, 2005
Manufacturing resiliency: economic restructuring and automotive manufacturing in the Great Lakes region
TD Rutherford, J Holmes
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 7 (3), 359-378, 2014
“We simply have to do that stuff for our survival”: labour, firm innovation and cluster governance in the Canadian automotive parts industry
TD Rutherford, J Holmes
Antipode 39 (1), 194-221, 2007
Re-embedding, Japanese Investment and the Restructuring Buyer‐Supplier Relations in the Canadian Automotive Components Industry During the 1990s
TD Rutherford
Regional Studies 34 (8), 739-751, 2000
Engineering networks: university–industry networks in Southern Ontario automotive industry clusters
T Rutherford, J Holmes
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 1 (2), 247-264, 2008
State accumulation projects and inward investment regimes strategies
TD Rutherford, G Murray, P Almond, M Pelard
Regional Studies 52 (4), 572-584, 2018
Convergence, the institutional turn and workplace regimes: the case of lean production
TD Rutherford
Progress in Human Geography 28 (4), 425-446, 2004
Environmental tax reforms and the prospects for a double dividend
C Böhringer, A Pahlke, T Rutherford
Unpublished Manuscript, University of Colorado, 1997
Moving houses: the geographical reorganization of the estate agency industry in England and Wales in the 1980s
J Beaverstock, A Leyshon, T Rutherford, N Thrift, P Williams
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 166-182, 1992
Requiem or rebirth? Internal labour markets and labour market restructuring in the Kitchener and Sault Ste. Marie regions
TD Rutherford
The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 50 (2), 197-216, 2006
Entrepreneurship, knowledge and learning in cluster formation and evolution: the Windsor Ontario tool, die and mould cluster
TD Rutherford, J Holmes
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7 (2-5 …, 2007
“Still in Training?” Labor Unions and the Restructuring of Canadian Labor Market Policy
TD Rutherford
Economic Geography 74 (2), 131-148, 1998
Socio-spatial restructuring of Canadian labour markets
T Rutherford
Canada and the global economy: The geography of structural and technological …, 1996
The rise of Fordism and the transformation of consumption norms: mass consumption and housing in Canada, 1930-1945
JP Bélec, T Rutherford, JW Holmes
Overturning Italy’s Article 18: Exogenous and endogenous pressures, and role of the state
T Rutherford, L Frangi
Economic and Industrial Democracy 39 (3), 439-457, 2018
Challenges confronting the Canadian automotive parts industry: What role for public policy?
J Holmes, T Rutherford, J Carey
Canadian Public Policy 43 (S1), S75-S89, 2017
(Small) differences that (still) matter? Cross-border regions and work place governance in the Southern Ontario and US Great Lakes automotive industry
TD Rutherford, J Holmes
Regional Studies 47 (1), 116-127, 2013
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