Addis Birhanu Zeleke
Addis Birhanu Zeleke
Jimma University, Institute of Health, Department of Epidemiology
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The magnitude of suicidal ideation, attempts and associated factors of HIV positive youth attending ART follow ups at St. Paul’s hospital Millennium Medical College and St …
M Wonde, H Mulat, A Birhanu, A Biru, T Kassew, S Shumet
PloS one 14 (11), e0224371, 2019
A review on Ethiopian meat production trends, consumption and meat quality parameters
AF Birhanu
Int J Food Sci Agr 3 (4), 267-274, 2019
Bovine tuberculosis prevalence in slaughtered cattle at Akaki municipal abattoir based on meat inspection methods
L Ewnetu, A Melaku, A Birhanu
Glob Vet 9 (5), 541-545, 2012
Attitude towards Antipsychotic Medications in Patients Diagnosed with Schizophrenia: A Cross‐Sectional Study at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
T Kassew, D Demilew, A Birhanu, M Wonde, B Liyew, S Shumet
Schizophrenia research and treatment 2019 (1), 5094017, 2019
Stunting and associated factors among children aged 6–59 months in Lasta woreda, North East Ethiopia, 2015: a community based cross sectional study design
A Birhanu, S Mekonen, A Atenafu, D Abebaw
J Fam Med 4 (3), 1112, 2017
Sleep Quality and Associated Factors among Peoples with Epilepsy Who Have a Follow‐Up at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2019: An Institutional …
K Adem, T Kassew, A Birhanu, A Abate
Psychiatry journal 2020 (1), 1402712, 2020
Level of Pre-slaughter stress and quality of beef from Arsi, Boran and Harar cattle breeds in Ethiopia
AF Birhanu, YY Mummed, MY Kurtu, T O’Quinn, YT Jiru
Cogent Food & Agriculture 5 (1), 1694233, 2019
Pathways through homelessness among women in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A qualitative study
K Haile, H Umer, T Fanta, A Birhanu, E Fejo, Y Tilahun, H Derajew, ...
PLoS One 15 (9), e0238571, 2020
Pre-slaughter stress, management of stress and its effect on meat and carcass quality
AF Birhanu
Int J Food Sci Agric 4 (1), 30-7, 2020
Prevalence and associated factors of violence against hospital staff at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
A Abate, D Abebaw, A Birhanu, A Zerihun, D Assefa
Psychiatry journal 2019 (1), 3642408, 2019
Level of perceived social support and associated factors among people with schizophrenia attending out patient department at amanuel mental specialized hospital, Addis Ababa …
M Mekonnen, B Boru, Z Yohannis, D Abebaw, A Birhanu
Journal of Psychiatry 22 (1), 2019
Mental health outcomes among frontline health-care workers at Eka Kotebe national COVID-19 treatment center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2020: a cross-sectional study
Y Habtamu, K Admasu, M Tullu, W Damene, A Birhanu, T Beyero, ...
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2831-2840, 2021
Patient’s satisfaction and associated factors towards outreach mental health services at health centers Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2017
G Zienawi, A Birhanu, W Demeke, K Haile, A Chaka
Austin Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 6 (1), 1-7, 2019
Effect of inter and intra-row spacing on yield and yield components of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum linn.) in SouthTigray, Ethiopia
H Abrha, A Birhanu, M Desta, A Kebede
Journal of Natural Sciences Research 5 (5), 1-5, 2015
Level of bruising and DFD carcasses from bulls of Arsi, Boran and Harar cattle breeds in Ethiopia
AF Birhanu, YY Mummed, MY Kurtu
Open Journal of Animal Sciences 10 (1), 203-218, 2019
Utilization of reversible long acting contraceptive methods and associated factors among women getting family planning service in governmental health institutions of Gondar …
T Mariam, Y Kebede, A Shibru, A Birhanu
Austin J Public Health Epidemiol 5 (1), 1069, 2018
Barriers and intention to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and associated factors among adults in Southwest Ethiopia: a theory of planned behavior approach
AL Sisay, HA Getahun, N Getachew, T Gebremedhin, FM Sebero, ...
Infection and Drug Resistance, 5741-5754, 2023
Clinical characteristics and short-term outcomes of adult stroke patients admitted to Jimma Medical Center, Ethiopia: a prospective cohort study
A Wubshet, K Fanta, TD Gemachu, A Birhanu, EK Gudina
Pan African Medical Journal 44 (1), 2023
Practice towards prevention and control measures of coronavirus disease and associated factors among healthcare workers in the health facilities of the horo guduru wollega zone …
A Negera, C Hailu, A Birhanu, OE Santangelo
Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics 2022, e5, 2022
Determinants of Under-nutrition among Children Aged 6 up to 59 Months in Akaki Kaliti Sub City, Addis Ababa: Unmatched Case-Control Study
A Kebede, D Getaneh, D Asfaw, A Birhanu
medRxiv, 2023.01. 25.23285000, 2023
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