Emin Bülent Erenoğlu
Emin Bülent Erenoğlu
Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
在 cukurova.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
ZmYS1 functions as a proton-coupled symporter for phytosiderophore-and nicotianamine-chelated metals
G Schaaf, U Ludewig, BE Erenoglu, S Mori, T Kitahara, N Von Wirén
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (10), 9091-9096, 2004
Improved nitrogen nutrition enhances root uptake, root‐to‐shoot translocation and remobilization of zinc (65Zn) in wheat
EB Erenoglu, UB Kutman, Y Ceylan, B Yildiz, I Cakmak
New Phytologist 189 (2), 438-448, 2011
Morphological and physiological differences in the response of cereals to zinc deficiency
I Cakmak, B Torun, B Erenoğlu, L Öztürk, H Marschner, M Kalayci, H Ekiz, ...
Euphytica 100, 349-357, 1998
Foliar-Applied Glyphosate Substantially Reduced Uptake and Transport of Iron and Manganese in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Plants
S Eker, L Ozturk, A Yazici, B Erenoglu, V Romheld, I Cakmak
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 54 (26), 10019-10025, 2006
Uptake and transport of foliar applied zinc (65Zn) in bread and durum wheat cultivars differing in zinc efficiency
B Erenoglu, M Nikolic, V Römheld, I Cakmak
Plant and Soil 241, 251-257, 2002
Influence of varied zinc supply on re-translocation of cadmium (109Cd) and rubidium (86Rb) applied on mature leaf of durum wheat seedlings
I Cakmak, RM Welch, B Erenoglu, V Römheld, WA Norvell, LV Kochian
Plant and Soil 219, 279-284, 2000
Uptake of zinc by rye, bread wheat and durum wheat cultivars differing in zinc efficiency
B Erenoglu, I Cakmak, V Römheld, R Derici, Z Rengel
Plant and soil 209, 245-252, 1999
Micronutrient constraints to crop production in the Middle East–West Asia region: significance, research, and management
J Ryan, A Rashid, J Torrent, SK Yau, H Ibrikci, R Sommer, EB Erenoglu
Advances in Agronomy 122, 1-84, 2013
Phytosiderophore release does not relate well with zinc efficiency in different bread wheat genotypes
B Erenoglu, I Cakmak, H Marschner, V Römheld, S Eker, H Daghan, ...
Journal of plant nutrition 19 (12), 1569-1580, 1996
Phytosiderophore release in Aegilops tauschii and Triticum species under zinc and iron deficiencies
I Tolay, B Erenoglu, V Römheld, HJ Braun, I Cakmak
Journal of experimental botany 52 (358), 1093-1099, 2001
Light-mediated release of phytosiderophores in wheat and barley under iron or zinc deficiency
I Cakmak, B Erenoglu, KY Gülüt, R Derici, V Römheld
Plant and Soil 202, 309-315, 1998
Effect of iron and zinc deficiency on release of phytosiderophores in barley cultivars differing in zinc efficiency
B Erenoglu, S Eker, I Cakmak, R Derici, V Römheld
Journal of Plant Nutrition 23 (11-12), 1645-1656, 2000
Zinc deficiency in soils and plants in Turkey, and plant mechanisms involved in zinc efficiency.
I Cakmak, B Torun, B Erenoğlu, M Kalaycı, A Yılmaz, H Ekiz, HJ Braun
Türkiye’de toprak ve bitkilerde çinko eksikliği ve bitkilerin çinko eksikliğine dayanıklılık mekanizmaları
İ Çakmak, B Torun, B Erenoğlu, M Kalaycı, A Yılmaz, H Ekiz, H Braun
Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (20), 13-23, 1996
Uptake and apoplastic retention of EDTA‐and phytosiderophore‐chelated chromium (III) in maize
BE Erenoglu, HK Patra, H Khodr, V Römheld, N Von Wiren
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 170 (6), 788-795, 2007
Role of phytosiderophores in zinc efficiency of wheat
B Singh, B Erenoğlu, G Neumann, V Römheld, N von Wirén
Durchwurzelung, Rhizodeposition und Pflanzenverfügbarkeit von Nährstoffen …, 2002
Orta Anadolu, Çukurova ve GAP Bölgeleri Topraklarının Değişik Fraksiyonlarındaki Mikroelement Konsantrasyonlarının Belirlenmesi. 1
S Karanlık, B Erenoğlu, MR Derici, İ Çakmak
Ulusal Çinko Kongresi, 783-786, 1998
Utilization of industrial waste aqueous ammonia for irrigated forage sorghum production
IAM Ahmed, AMA Eltilib, FHS Ganawa, EB Erenoglu, KR Islam
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 62 (1), 93-107, 2016
Çinko’nun buğday tanesine taşınmasını etkileyen fizyolojik mekanizmaların araştırılması
L Öztürk, B Erenoğlu, Y Kaya, Z Altıntaş, E Haklı, E Andi, Ö Yılmaz
TÜBİTAK Projesi Sonuç Raporu, Proje, 2011
623 Yilmaz, A.(1998). Morphological and physiological differences in the response of cereals to 624 zinc deficiency
I Cakmak, B Torun, B Erenoglu, L Ozturk, H Marschner, M Kalayci, H Ekiz
Euphytica 100, 349-357, 1998
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