Moisés Rojas Badilla
Moisés Rojas Badilla
Científico independiente
在 alumnos.uach.cl 的电子邮件经过验证
Six hundred years of South American tree rings reveal an increase in severe hydroclimatic events since mid-20th century
MS Morales, ER Cook, J Barichivich, DA Christie, R Villalba, C LeQuesne, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (29), 16816-16823, 2020
Water crisis in Petorca Basin, Chile: The combined effects of a mega-drought and water management
AA Muñoz, K Klock-Barría, C Alvarez-Garreton, I Aguilera-Betti, ...
Water 12 (3), 648, 2020
Climate response and drought resilience of Nothofagus obliqua secondary forests across a latitudinal gradient in south-central Chile
R Urrutia-Jalabert, J Barichivich, V Rozas, A Lara, Y Rojas, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 485, 118962, 2021
Climatic cues for secondary growth and cone production are sex-dependent in the long-lived dioecious conifer Araucaria araucana
V Rozas, C Le Quesne, M Rojas-Badilla, Á González-Reyes, S Donoso, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 274, 132-143, 2019
Water crisis in Petorca Basin, Chile: The Combined effects of a mega-drought and water management. Water, 12 (3), 648
AA Muñoz, K Klock-Barría, C Alvarez-Garreton, I Aguilera-Betti, ...
Water crisis in Petorca basin, Chile: The combined effects of a mega-drought and water management. Water 12: 648
AA Muñoz, K Klock-Barría, C Alvarez-Garreton, I Aguilera-Betti, ...
Anomalías anatómicas en anillos de crecimiento anuales de Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic.-Serm. et Bizzarri en el norte de su rango de distribución
M Rojas-Badilla, C Álvarez, G Velásquez-Álvarez, M Hadad, ...
Gayana. Botánica 74 (2), 269-281, 2017
Dendrochronological potential of Prumnopitys andina (Podocarpaceae) at the southern limit of its range in the Chilean Andes
C Álvarez, C Le Quesne, M Rojas-Badilla, V Rozas, Á González-Reyes
New Zealand Journal of Botany 59 (4), 423-439, 2021
Coupled human-climate signals on the fire history of upper Cachapoal Valley, Mediterranean Andes of Chile, since 1201 CE
V Rozas, C Le Quesne, M Rojas-Badilla, ME González, ...
Global and Planetary Change 167, 137-147, 2018
Factores climáticos que controlan el crecimiento radial y la formación de fluctuaciones de densidad en la madera de Austrocedrus chilensis en Valdivia, Chile
V Rozas, C Le Quesne, M Rojas-Badilla
Bosque (Valdivia) 37 (3), 461-471, 2016
Crecimiento radial de Abies pinsapo en el sur de Chile: relaciones con el clima local y su comparación con poblaciones naturales en España
L Cardalliaguet, AA Muñoz, V Humanes, I Aguilera-Betti, M Génova, ...
Bosque (Valdivia) 40 (2), 141-152, 2019
Crecimiento radial de la especie endémica Nothomyrcia fernandeziana (Hook. & Arn.) Kausel y la invasora Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz en la isla Robinson Crusoe …
M Rojas-Badilla, C Le Quesne, C Álvarez, G Velásquez-Álvarez, V Rozas
Gayana. Botánica 74 (1), 111-119, 2017
Examining the potential of Austrocedrus chilensis tree rings as indicators of past late-spring frost events in central Chile
T Muñoz-Salazar, C LeQuesne, V Rozas, DA Christie, M Rojas-Badilla
Dendrochronologia 74, 125962, 2022
Climatic factors controlling radial growth and formation of wood density fluctuations in Austrocedrus chilensis in Valdivia, Chile
V Rozas, C Le Quesne, M Rojas-Badilla
Revista Bosque 37 (3), 461-471, 2016
Crisis hídrica en la cuenca de Petorca: una combinación entre la megasequía y el manejo del agua
A Muñoz, K Klock-Barría, C Álvarez-Garreton, I Aguilera-Betti, ...
Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia (CR) 2, 1-2, 2020
Anomalías anatómicas en los anillos de crecimiento anuales de Austrocedrus chilensis en el límite norte de su distribución en Chile central
M Rojas Badilla, C Álvarez, G Velásquez Álvarez, MA Hadad, CL Quesne, ...
Universidad de Concepción, 2017
Dendroecological analysis of the remote endemic Nothomyrcia fernandeziana forests of Robinson Crusoe Island in the Southeast Pacific
P Almonacid, M Rojas-Badilla, C LeQuesne, T Muñoz-Salazar, ...
Dendrochronologia 81, 126129, 2023
Species-specific influence of hydroclimate on secondary growth of three coexisting conifers in a temperate Andean forest in south-central Chile
M Rojas-Badilla, C LeQuesne, V Rozas, T Gipoulou-Zúñiga, ...
Dendrochronologia 80, 126113, 2023
Linking tree rings with satellite observations of soil moisture: toward the reconstruction of water availability in the Mediterranean Andes region
A Gonzalez-Reyes, D Christie, C LeQuesne, M Rojas-Badilla, T Muñoz, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 3975, 2020
Detecting urban changes using phase correlation and l (1)-based sparse model for early disaster response: A case study of the 2018 Sulawesi Indonesia earthquake-tsunami
I Aguilera-Betti, D Aliste, C Alvarez, JC Aravena, J Barichivich, LO Bianchi, ...
Elsevier BV, 2020
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