Pawel Wnuk
Pawel Wnuk
Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
在 fuw.edu.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Phenylene vinylene platinum (II) acetylides with prodigious two-photon absorption
GG Dubinina, RS Price, KA Abboud, G Wicks, P Wnuk, Y Stepanenko, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (47), 19346-19349, 2012
Symmetry breaking in platinum acetylide chromophores studied by femtosecond two-photon absorption spectroscopy
A Rebane, M Drobizhev, NS Makarov, G Wicks, P Wnuk, Y Stepanenko, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (21), 3749-3759, 2014
10 W CEP-stable few-cycle source at 2 µm with 100 kHz repetition rate
M Neuhaus, H Fuest, M Seeger, J Schötz, M Trubetskov, P Russbueldt, ...
Optics express 26 (13), 16074-16085, 2018
In vivo volumetric imaging by crosstalk-free full-field OCT
P Stremplewski, E Auksorius, P Wnuk, Ł Kozoń, P Garstecki, ...
Optica 6 (5), 608-617, 2019
Passively modelocked, diode-pumped Yb: KYW femtosecond oscillator with 1 GHz repetition rate
P Wasylczyk, P Wnuk, C Radzewicz
Optics Express 17 (7), 5630-5636, 2009
From ultrafast events to equilibrium–uncovering the unusual dynamics of ESIPT reaction: the case of dually fluorescent diethyl-2, 5-(dibenzoxazolyl)-hydroquinone
P Wnuk, G Burdziński, M Sliwa, M Kijak, A Grabowska, J Sepioł, J Kubicki
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (6), 2542-2552, 2014
Substituent and solvent effects on the excited state deactivation channels in anils and boranils
J Dobkowski, P Wnuk, J Buczyńska, M Pszona, G Orzanowska, D Frath, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 21 (3), 1312-1327, 2015
Coherent nonlinear emission from a single KTP nanoparticle with broadband femtosecond pulses
P Wnuk, LL Xuan, A Slablab, C Tard, S Perruchas, T Gacoin, JF Roch, ...
Optics Express 17 (6), 4652-4658, 2009
Primary role of the chromophore bond length alternation in reversible photoconversion of red fluorescence proteins
M Drobizhev, TE Hughes, Y Stepanenko, P Wnuk, K O'Donnell, JN Scott, ...
Scientific Reports 2 (1), 688, 2012
Characterization of dimethylsulfoxide/glycerol mixtures: A binary solvent system for the study of “friction-dependent” chemical reactivity
G Angulo, M Brucka, M Gerecke, G Grampp, D Jeannerat, J Milkiewicz, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (27), 18460-18469, 2016
Multi-terawatt chirped pulse optical parametric amplifier with a time-shear power amplification stage
P Wnuk, Y Stepanenko, C Radzewicz
Optics Express 17 (17), 15264-15273, 2009
Bimorph piezo deformable mirror for femtosecond pulse shaping
P Wnuk, C Radzewicz, JS Krasiński
Optics Express 13 (11), 4154-4159, 2005
Diffractive Imaging of Structural Deformations Induced by Intense Femtosecond Midinfrared Laser Fields
H Fuest, YH Lai, CI Blaga, K Suzuki, J Xu, P Rupp, H Li, P Wnuk, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (5), 053002, 2019
Full 3D modelling of pulse propagation enables efficient nonlinear frequency conversion with low energy laser pulses in a single-element tripler
TM Kardaś, M Nejbauer, P Wnuk, B Resan, C Radzewicz, P Wasylczyk
Scientific reports 7 (1), 42889, 2017
Nonadiabatic ponderomotive effects in photoemission from nanotips in intense midinfrared laser fields
J Schötz, S Mitra, H Fuest, M Neuhaus, WA Okell, M Förster, T Paschen, ...
Physical Review A 97 (1), 013413, 2018
Coherent control and dark pulses in second harmonic generation
P Wnuk, C Radzewicz
Optics Communications 272 (2), 496-502, 2007
How good is the generalized Langevin equation to describe the dynamics of photo-induced electron transfer in fluid solution?
G Angulo, J Jedrak, A Ochab-Marcinek, P Pasitsuparoad, C Radzewicz, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 146 (24), 2017
High gain broadband amplification of ultraviolet pulses in optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier
P Wnuk, Y Stepanenko, C Radzewicz
Optics Express 18 (8), 7911-7916, 2010
Compact and flexible harmonic generator and three-color synthesizer for femtosecond coherent control and time-resolved studies
C Burger, WF Frisch, TM Kardaś, M Trubetskov, V Pervak, R Moshammer, ...
Optics Express 25 (25), 31130-31139, 2017
Suppression of individual peaks in two-colour high harmonic generation
S Mitra, S Biswas, J Schötz, E Pisanty, B Förg, GA Kavuri, C Burger, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53 (13), 134004, 2020
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