Grzegorz Gumienny
Grzegorz Gumienny
dr hab. inż. Politechnika Łódzka
在 p.lodz.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Comparative analysis of the properties of the nodular cast iron with carbides and the austempered ductile iron with use of the machine learning and the support vector machine
D Wilk-Kolodziejczyk, K Regulski, G Gumienny
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 87, 1077-1093, 2016
Carbidic bainitic and ausferritic ductile cast iron
G Gumienny
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 58 (4), 1053-1058, 2013
Effect of the Remelting on Transformations in Co-Cr-Mo Prosthetics Alloy
B Kacprzyk, T Szymczak, G Gumienny, L Klimek
Archives of Foundry Engineering 13 (3), 47--50, 2013
Data mining tools in identifying the components of the microstructure of compacted graphite iron based on the content of alloying elements
D Wilk-Kolodziejczyk, K Regulski, G Gumienny, B Kacprzyk, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95, 3127-3139, 2018
TDA curves of metals alloys and the control of their quality
S Pietrowski, B Pisarek, R Władysiak, G Gumienny, T Szymczak
Szajnar J. Advances in Theory and Practice Foundry 345, 377, 2009
Effect of copper on the crystallization process, microstructure and selected properties of CGI
G Gumienny, B Kacprzyk, J Gawroński
Archives of Foundry Engineering 17, 2017
Application of selected artificial intelligence methods in a system predicting the microstructure of compacted graphite iron
B Mrzygłód, G Gumienny, D Wilk-Kołodziejczyk, K Regulski
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28, 3894-3904, 2019
Bainitic-martensitic nodular cast iron with carbides
G Gumienny
Archives of Foundry Engineering 10 (2), 63-68, 2010
Characteristics of Al-Si Alloys with high melting point elements for high pressure die casting
T Szymczak, G Gumienny, L Klimek, M Goły, J Szymszal, T Pacyniak
Materials 13 (21), 4861, 2020
Effect of vanadium and molybdenum on the crystallization, microstructure and properties of hypoeutectic silumin
T Szymczak, G Gumienny, T Pacyniak
Archives of Foundry Engineering 15 (4), 81-86, 2015
Crystallization of nodular cast iron with additions of Mo, Cr, Cu and Ni
S Pietrowski, G Gumienny
Archives of Foundry Engineering 22, 406-413, 2006
Chromium and copper influence on the nodular cast iron with carbides microstructure
G Gumienny
Archives of Foundry Engineering 10 (4), 47--54, 2010
Bainite obtaining in cast iron with carbides castings
S Pietrowski, G Gumienny
Archives of Foundry Engineering 10 (1), 109-114, 2010
Effect of tungsten and molybdenum on the crystallization, microstructure and properties of silumin 226
T Szymczak, G Gumienny, T Pacyniak, K Walas
Archives of Foundry Engineering 15 (3), 61--66, 2015
Microsegregation in nodular cast iron with carbides
S Pietrowski, G Gumienny
Archives of Foundry Engineering, 2012
Computer-aided control of high-quality cast iron
S Pietrowski, B Pisarek, G Gumienny
Archives of Foundry Engineering 8 (1), 101-108, 2008
Metodyka przygotowania oceny jakości żeliwa sferoidalnego z zastosowaniem metody ATD
S Pietrowski, G Gumienny
Archiwum Odlewnictwa 2 (6), 249-256, 2002
Effect of tungsten on the solidification process, microstructure and properties of silumin 226
T Szymczak, G Gumienny, T Pacyniak
Transactions of the Foundry research Institute 55 (3), 3-14, 2015
Microstructural Characteristics of AlSi9Cu3 (Fe) Alloy with High Melting Point Elements
T Szymczak, G Gumienny, L Klimek, M Goły, T Pacyniak
Metals 10 (10), 1278, 2020
The selection of heat treatment parameters to obtain austempered ductile iron with the required impact strength
D Wilk-Kołodziejczyk, K Regulski, T Giętka, G Gumienny, K Jaśkowiec, ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27, 5865-5878, 2018
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