A re-evaluation of the taphonomic methodology for the study of small mammal fossil assemblages of South America FJ Fernández, CI Montalvo, Y Fernández-Jalvo, P Andrews, JM López Quaternary Science Reviews 155, 37-49, 2017 | 82 | 2017 |
Small mammal remains recovered from two archaeological sites in northwestern Mendoza (late Holocene, Argentina): taxonomic composition, taphonomic issues and paleoenvironmental … JM López, H Chiavazza, MI Rosi Quaternary International 391, 26-37, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
Actualistic taphonomy of barn owl pellet‐derived small mammal bone accumulations in arid environments of South America JM Lopez Journal of Quaternary Science 35 (8), 1057-1069, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
Taphonomic analysis of small mammal bone remains preyed upon by wildcats (Carnivora: Felidae) from the central Monte Desert (Mendoza, Argentina) JM López, MI Rosi, S Tabeni, B Bender, H Chiavazza Boreas 46 (2), 282-293, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Resource intensification and zooarchaeological record in the southern margins of pre-Hispanic Andean agriculture JM López, G Neme, AF Gil Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11 (10), 5287-5300, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
The role of the Accipitriformes Geranoaetus melanoleucus and Geranoaetus polyosoma as small mammal bones accumulators in modern and archaeological sites from central western … JM López, FJ Fernández, CI Montalvo, H Chiavazza, JM Luciano Journal of Taphonomy 15 (1-3), 91-108, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Taphonomy of small mammal bone accumulations generated by the Chaco owl (Strix chacoensis, Strigiformes) from the Monte Desert (Mendoza, Argentina): a … JM López, FJ Fernández, L Castillo, R Pereyra‐Lobos Boreas 47 (3), 780-791, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Amidst wind, sand and raptors. Small mammal bone remains recovered in open-air archaeological sites from the Monte Desert in Central Western Argentina: taphonomic and … JM López, H Chiavazza Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11 (10), 5149-5169, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
From owl prey to human food: taphonomy of archaeological small mammal remains from the late Holocene wetlands of arid environments in Central Western Argentina JM López, H Chiavazza Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12 (12), 276, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
New data on the endemic cricetid rodent Holochilus lagigliai from central-western Argentina: fossil record and potential distribution FJ Fernández, J Torres, M Tammone, JM López, UFJ Pardiñas Mammalia 81 (6), 621-625, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Past maize consumption correlates with population change in Central Western Argentina EA Peralta, JM López, J Freeman, C Abbona, F Franchetti, MJ Ots, ... Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 68, 101457, 2022 | 11 | 2022 |
Egagrópilas actuales de aves rapaces como herramienta para la generación de modelos paleoambientales en la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina JM López, JP Aguilar, FJ Fernández Mastozoología neotropical 28 (1), 516-516, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
EL REGISTRO DE MICROMAMÍFEROS EN EL ARROYO TULUMAYA LL Castillo, JM López, HD Chiavazza Revista de Arqueología Histórica Argentina y Latinoamericana, 454-478, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Arqueozoología de un contexto minero: minas paramillos sur (Mendoza, Argentina) OH Sironi, E Araújo, JM López, MD Quiroga Centro de Estudios Históricos" Prof. Carlos SA Segreti", 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
Micromamíferos recuperados en sitios arqueológicos de precordillera en los Andes del Centro-Occidente Argentino (Holoceno tardío): aspectos tafonómicos y paleoambientales JM López, H Chiavazza Latin American Antiquity 31 (2), 409-429, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Neo-taphonomy of prey bones ingested by pumas in central western Argentina JM López, C Otaola, M Giardina, C Huczak, M Cona, S Albanese, ... Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 47, 103733, 2023 | 7 | 2023 |
Dieta humana, movilidad y tecnología en un contexto mortuorio del valle del Atuel: el registro de Cañada Seca-1 (San Rafael, Mendoza) EA Peralta, MP Pompei, JM López, D Fiore, S Diéguez, A Ugan, AF Gil, ... Relaciones 46 (2), 61-70, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Ocupaciones alfareras tempranas. Tecnología y subsistencia en el piedemonte del norte de Mendoza (Centro Oeste Argentino) H Chiavazza, C Prieto-Olavarría, L Puebla, M Quiroga, L Castillo, ... Estudios atacameños 67, 0-0, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Zooarchaeology, taphonomy and palaeoenvironments: small mammal remains from an intermountain valley of the southern Andean cordillera (Mendoza, Argentina) JM López, FJ Fernández, P Teta, MI Rosi, O Sironi, JR Bárcena Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 31, 102365, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Tafonomía actualística de restos óseos y dentarios de micromamíferos recuperados en egagrópilas generadas por la lechucita de las vizcacheras (Athene cunicularia): una … JM López, MF Quintana, J Mignino, R Pereyra-Lobos Intersecciones en antropología 22 (1), 55-68, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |