Suzana Patceva
Suzana Patceva
在 uklo.edu.mk 的电子邮件经过验证
Eutrophication of ancient Lake Ohrid: Global warming amplifies detrimental effects of increased nutrient inputs
A Matzinger, M Schmid, E Veljanoska-Sarafiloska, S Patceva, D Guseska, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 52 (1), 338-353, 2007
Sensitivity of ancient Lake Ohrid to local anthropogenic impacts and global warming
A Matzinger, Z Spirkovski, S Patceva, A Wüest
Journal of Great Lakes Research 32 (1), 158-179, 2006
Eutrophication impacts littoral biota in Lake Ohrid while water phosphorus concentrations are low
SC Schneider, M Cara, TE Eriksen, BB Goreska, A Imeri, L Kupe, ...
Limnologica 44, 90-97, 2014
Littoral eutrophication indicators are more closely related to nearshore land use than to water nutrient concentrations: A critical evaluation of stressor-response relationships
SC Schneider, V Biberdžić, V Braho, BB Gjoreska, M Cara, Z Dana, ...
Science of the Total Environment 748, 141193, 2020
Chlorophyll a relationships with nutrients and temperature, and predictions for lakes across perialpine and Balkan mountain regions
O Kärcher, CT Filstrup, M Brauns, O Tasevska, S Patceva, N Hellwig, ...
Inland Waters 10 (1), 29-41, 2020
The phytoplankton and the chlorophyll a as indicators of the trophic state of the water in the littoral and pelagic region of Lake Ohrid
S Patceva
Master's thesis, University" Sv. Kiril i Metodij".[In Macedonian.], 2001
Comparative analysis of the phytoplankton community and the trophic state of Lakes Ohrid and Prespa
S Patceva
Ph. D. thesis, University ‘‘Sv. Kiril i Metodij’’.[In Macedonian.], 2005
Trophic status of Lakes Ohrid and Prespa during 2004-2006.
EV Sarafiloska, S Patceva
State of phytoplankton community in the Bulgarian and Macedonian lakes
D Petrova, S Patceva, V Mitic, G Shtereva, D Gerdzhikov
J. Env. Protect. Ecol 9, 501-512, 2008
Initial characterisation of Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar (Implementing the EU Water Framework Directive in South-Eastern Europe)
R Peveling, U Brämick, H Densky, B Parr, M Pietrock, E Adhami, A Bacu, ...
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Tirana …, 2015
Lake Ohrid plankton
V Mitic, G Kostoski, D Guseska, S Patceva, O Tasevska
Limnological investigations of Lake Ohrid. Hydrobiological Institute 1, 42-83, 2002
Water quality of Lakes Ohrid and Prespa based on physical-chemical and biological parameters in 2013-2014.
EM Veljanoska-Sarafiloska, LS Lokoska, SB Patceva
Trophic state of Lake Prespa
S Patceva, V Mitic, J Momcula, A Matzinger, E Veljanoska-Sarafiloska
Balwois—conference of water observation and information system for decision …, 2006
Influence of the main tributaries on the trophic state of Lake Ohrid
S Patceva, V Mitic, M Jordanoski, E Veljanoska-Sarafiloska
Proceedings of International Conference on Water Observation and Information …, 2004
The influence of the anthropogenic factor on the trophic state of lake Prespa
M Jordanoski, V Mitic, Z Krstanoski, G Kostoski, T Stafilov, N Joseska, ...
National Project Report, Hydrobiological Institute, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2002
Relating environmental pressures to littoral biological water quality indicators in Western Balkan lakes: Can we fill the largest gaps?
JE Vermaat, V Biberdžić, V Braho, BB Gjoreska, M Cara, Z Dana, ...
Science of the Total Environment 804, 150160, 2022
The presence of organochlorine pesticides in the sediment–water system in Lake Dojran
E Veljanoska-Sarafiloska, M Jordanoski, M Semo, S Patceva
Proceedings on Conference on water observation and information system for …, 2010
Influence of River Velgoska and Koselska on the trophic state of Lake Ohrid
E Veljanoska-Sarafiloska, M Jordanoski, V Mitic, S Patceva
Balwois—conference of water observation and information system for decision …, 2004
Phytoplankton Composition of Lake Prespa, Republic of Macedonia
SB Patceva, JV Leshoski
Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplement 13, 51-56, 2019
Chlorophyll a content as indicator of eutrophication of Lake Prespa
S Patceva, V Mitic
Conference on water observation and information system for decision support …, 2010
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