Travis M. Apgar
Travis M. Apgar
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
在 ucsc.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Global urban signatures of phenotypic change in animal and plant populations
M Alberti, C Correa, JM Marzluff, AP Hendry, EP Palkovacs, KM Gotanda, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (34), 8951-8956, 2017
Sex ratio variation shapes the ecological effects of a globally introduced freshwater fish
DC Fryxell, HA Arnett, TM Apgar, MT Kinnison, EP Palkovacs
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1817), 20151970, 2015
Quantifying thermal exposure for migratory riverine species: Phenology of Chinook salmon populations predicts thermal stress
AM FitzGerald, SN John, TM Apgar, NJ Mantua, BT Martin
Global Change Biology 27 (3), 536-549, 2021
Evolutionary restoration potential evaluated through the use of a trait‐linked genetic marker
TM Apgar, DE Pearse, EP Palkovacs
Evolutionary Applications 10 (5), 485-497, 2017
Adaptation in temporally variable environments: Stickleback armor in periodically breaching bar‐built estuaries
A Paccard, BA Wasserman, D Hanson, L Astorg, D Durston, S Kurland, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 31 (5), 735-752, 2018
Ecosystem size shapes antipredator trait evolution in estuarine threespine stickleback
BA Wasserman, A Paccard, TM Apgar, S Des Roches, RDH Barrett, ...
Oikos 129 (12), 1795-1806, 2020
Alternative migratory strategies are widespread in subyearling Chinook salmon
TM Apgar, JE Merz, BT Martin, EP Palkovacs
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 30 (1), 125-139, 2021
Urban signatures of phenotypic change: emerging patterns, mechanisms, and novel hypotheses
MM Alberti, C Correa, J Marzluff, AP Hendry, EP Palkovacs, K Gotanda, ...
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 114, 8951-8956, 2017
Combined benthic and stream edge sampling better represent macroinvertebrate assemblages than benthic sampling alone along an aridity gradient
BA Gill, DC Allen, MC Mims, TM Neeson, A Ruhi, CL Atkinson, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 22 (4), 208-216, 2024
Thermal Exposure of Chinook Salmon throughout Their Freshwater Life History
A FitzGerald, S John, T Apgar, B Martin
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, 2019
Exploring the Migratory Life-Histories of Pacific Salmonids
TM Apgar
University of California, Santa Cruz, 2020
Climate Change Effects on Juvenile Chinook Salmon Migratory Phenotypes
T Apgar, B Martin, J Merz, E Palkovacs
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, 2019
Quantification of thermal effects to improve temperature management of anadromous salmonids
AM FitzGerald, S John, T Apgar, BT Martin
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11--16), 2019
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