Social support R Schwarzer, N Knoll, N Rieckmann Health psychology 158, 181, 2004 | 421 | 2004 |
Einführung Gesundheitspsychologie: Mit einem Vorwort von Ralf Schwarzer, Mit 26 Abb., 5 Tabellen und 52 Fragen zum Lernstoff N Knoll, U Scholz, N Rieckmann Utb, 2017 | 411 | 2017 |
Enhanced depression care for patients with acute coronary syndrome and persistent depressive symptoms: coronary psychosocial evaluation studies randomized controlled trial KW Davidson, N Rieckmann, L Clemow, JE Schwartz, D Shimbo, ... Archives of internal medicine 170 (7), 600-608, 2010 | 382 | 2010 |
Adapting to aging losses: Do resources facilitate strategies of selection, compensation, and optimization in everyday functioning? FR Lang, N Rieckmann, MM Baltes The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2002 | 358 | 2002 |
Persistent depression affects adherence to secondary prevention behaviors after acute coronary syndromes IM Kronish, N Rieckmann, EA Halm, D Shimbo, D Vorchheimer, DC Haas, ... Journal of general internal medicine 21 (11), 1178-1183, 2006 | 313 | 2006 |
Coping as a mediator between personality and stress outcomes: a longitudinal study with cataract surgery patients N Knoll, N Rieckmann, R Schwarzer European Journal of Personality 19 (3), 229-247, 2005 | 309 | 2005 |
Assessment and treatment of depression in patients with cardiovascular disease: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Working Group Report KW Davidson, DJ Kupfer, JT Bigger, RM Califf, RM Carney, JC Coyne, ... Annals of Behavioral Medicine 32, 121-126, 2006 | 292 | 2006 |
Drug and exercise treatment of Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of effects on cognition in randomized controlled trials A Ströhle, DK Schmidt, F Schultz, N Fricke, T Staden, R Hellweg, J Priller, ... The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 23 (12), 1234-1249, 2015 | 258 | 2015 |
Course of depressive symptoms and medication adherence after acute coronary syndromes: an electronic medication monitoring study N Rieckmann, W Gerin, IM Kronish, MM Burg, WF Chaplin, G Kong, ... Journal of the American College of Cardiology 48 (11), 2218-2222, 2006 | 255 | 2006 |
Human Papillomavirus awareness, knowledge and vaccine acceptance: A survey among 18-25 year old male and female vocational school students in Berlin, Germany S Blödt, C Holmberg, J Müller-Nordhorn, N Rieckmann The European Journal of Public Health 22 (6), 808-813, 2012 | 198 | 2012 |
Vitamin D status among adults in Germany–results from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) M Rabenberg, C Scheidt-Nave, MA Busch, N Rieckmann, B Hintzpeter, ... BMC public health 15, 1-15, 2015 | 195 | 2015 |
Association of anhedonia with recurrent major adverse cardiac events and mortality 1 year after acute coronary syndrome KW Davidson, MM Burg, IM Kronish, D Shimbo, L Dettenborn, R Mehran, ... Archives of general psychiatry 67 (5), 480-488, 2010 | 187 | 2010 |
CT or invasive coronary angiography in stable chest pain P Maurovich-Horvat, M Bosserdt, KF Kofoed, N Rieckmann, T Benedek, ... New England Journal of Medicine 386 (17), 1591-1602, 2022 | 178 | 2022 |
Persistent depressive symptoms lower aspirin adherence after acute coronary syndromes N Rieckmann, IM Kronish, D Haas, W Gerin, WF Chaplin, MM Burg, ... American heart journal 152 (5), 922-927, 2006 | 142 | 2006 |
Psychological theories of depression: potential application for the prevention of acute coronary syndrome recurrence KW Davidson, N Rieckmann, F Lespérance Psychosomatic medicine 66 (2), 165-173, 2004 | 131 | 2004 |
Posttraumatic stress due to an acute coronary syndrome increases risk of 42-month major adverse cardiac events and all-cause mortality D Edmondson, N Rieckmann, JA Shaffer, JE Schwartz, MM Burg, ... Journal of psychiatric research 45 (12), 1621-1626, 2011 | 130 | 2011 |
Definitions and distinctions among depressive syndromes and symptoms: implications for a better understanding of the depression–cardiovascular disease association KW Davidson, N Rieckmann, MA Rapp Psychosomatic medicine 67, S6-S9, 2005 | 108 | 2005 |
Barriers to routine risk-score use for healthy primary care patients: survey and qualitative study F Müller-Riemenschneider, C Holmberg, N Rieckmann, H Kliems, V Rufer, ... Archives of internal medicine 170 (8), 719-724, 2010 | 94 | 2010 |
Predictors of subjective age before and after cataract surgery: conscientiousness makes a difference. N Knoll, N Rieckmann, U Scholz, R Schwarzer Psychology and aging 19 (4), 676, 2004 | 71 | 2004 |
Depressive symptoms are independently predictive of carotid atherosclerosis DC Haas, KW Davidson, DJ Schwartz, N Rieckmann, MJ Roman, ... The American journal of cardiology 95 (4), 547-550, 2005 | 68 | 2005 |