Tom Gleeson
Tom Gleeson
Civil Engineering, University of Victoria
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Water balance of global aquifers revealed by groundwater footprint
T Gleeson, Y Wada, MFP Bierkens, LPH Van Beek
Nature 488 (7410), 197-200, 2012
Regional strategies for the accelerating global problem of groundwater depletion
W Aeschbach-Hertig, T Gleeson
Nature Geoscience 5 (12), 853-861, 2012
Water on an urban planet: Urbanization and the reach of urban water infrastructure
RI McDonald, K Weber, J Padowski, M Flörke, C Schneider, PA Green, ...
Global environmental change 27, 96-105, 2014
Fault zone hydrogeology
VF Bense, T Gleeson, SE Loveless, O Bour, J Scibek
Earth-Science Reviews 127, 171-192, 2013
Drought in the Anthropocene
AF Van Loon, T Gleeson, J Clark, AIJM Van Dijk, K Stahl, J Hannaford, ...
Nature Geoscience 9 (2), 89-91, 2016
Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective
G Blöschl, MFP Bierkens, A Chambel, C Cudennec, G Destouni, A Fiori, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 64 (10), 1141-1158, 2019
The global volume and distribution of modern groundwater
T Gleeson, KM Befus, S Jasechko, E Luijendijk, MB Cardenas
Nature Geoscience 9 (2), 161-167, 2016
Vulnerability of coastal aquifers to groundwater use and climate change
G Ferguson, T Gleeson
Nature climate change 2 (5), 342-345, 2012
Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries
K Richardson, W Steffen, W Lucht, J Bendtsen, SE Cornell, JF Donges, ...
Science advances 9 (37), eadh2458, 2023
Environmental flow limits to global groundwater pumping
IEM de Graaf, T Gleeson, LPH Van Beek, EH Sutanudjaja, MFP Bierkens
Nature 574 (7776), 90-94, 2019
Relative contribution of monsoon precipitation and pumping to changes in groundwater storage in India
A Asoka, T Gleeson, Y Wada, V Mishra
Nature Geoscience 10 (2), 109-117, 2017
Drought in a human-modified world: reframing drought definitions, understanding, and analysis approaches
AF Van Loon, K Stahl, G Di Baldassarre, J Clark, S Rangecroft, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (9), 3631-3650, 2016
Global patterns and dynamics of climate–groundwater interactions
MO Cuthbert, T Gleeson, N Moosdorf, KM Befus, A Schneider, J Hartmann, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (2), 137-141, 2019
Mapping permeability over the surface of the Earth
T Gleeson, L Smith, N Moosdorf, J Hartmann, HH Dürr, AH Manning, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (2), 2011
Towards sustainable groundwater use: Setting long‐term goals, backcasting, and managing adaptively
T Gleeson, WM Alley, DM Allen, MA Sophocleous, Y Zhou, M Taniguchi, ...
Groundwater 50 (1), 19-26, 2012
The pronounced seasonality of global groundwater recharge
S Jasechko, SJ Birks, T Gleeson, Y Wada, PJ Fawcett, ZD Sharp, ...
Water Resources Research 50 (11), 8845-8867, 2014
Groundwater sustainability strategies
T Gleeson, J VanderSteen, MA Sophocleous, M Taniguchi, WM Alley, ...
Nature Geoscience 3 (6), 378-379, 2010
A planetary boundary for green water
L Wang-Erlandsson, A Tobian, RJ Van der Ent, I Fetzer, S te Wierik, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 3 (6), 380-392, 2022
A glimpse beneath earth's surface: GLobal HYdrogeology MaPS (GLHYMPS) of permeability and porosity
T Gleeson, N Moosdorf, J Hartmann, LPH van Beek
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (11), 3891-3898, 2014
Global aquifers dominated by fossil groundwaters but wells vulnerable to modern contamination
S Jasechko, D Perrone, KM Befus, M Bayani Cardenas, G Ferguson, ...
Nature Geoscience 10 (6), 425-429, 2017
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