The Desciption Logic Handbook F Baader, D Calvanese, D McGuiness, D Nardi, P Patel-Schneider Cambridge University Press, 2003 | 13183* | 2003 |
Term Rewriting and All That F Baader, T Nipkow Cambridge University Press, 1998 | 4247 | 1998 |
Pushing the EL envelope F Baader, S Brandt, C Lutz Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 364-369, 2005 | 1567 | 2005 |
Basic description logics F Baader, W Nutt The description logic handbook: theory, implementation, and applications, 43-95, 2003 | 1075 | 2003 |
Unification theory F Baader, W Snyder Handbook of automated reasoning 1, 447-533, 2001 | 1024 | 2001 |
Description logics as ontology languages for the semantic web F Baader, I Horrocks, U Sattler Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Jörg H. Siekmann on …, 2005 | 870 | 2005 |
Introduction to description logic F Baader, I Horrocks, C Lutz, U Sattler Cambridge University Press, 2017 | 744 | 2017 |
An overview of tableau algorithms for description logics F Baader, U Sattler Studia Logica 69, 5-40, 2001 | 676 | 2001 |
A scheme for integrating concrete domains into concept languages F Baader, P Hanschke 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 452-457, 1991 | 628 | 1991 |
Description logics F Baader, I Horrocks, U Sattler Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 3, 135-179, 2008 | 556 | 2008 |
Description logics F Baader, I Horrocks, U Sattler Handbook on ontologies, 3-28, 2004 | 511 | 2004 |
Embedding defaults into terminological knowledge representation formalisms F Baader, B Hollunder Journal of Automated Reasoning 14, 149-180, 1995 | 485 | 1995 |
Pushing the EL envelope further F Baader, S Brandt, C Lutz Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2008), 2008 | 369 | 2008 |
Am empirical analysis of optimization techniques for terminological representation systems F Baader, B Hollunder, B Nebel, HJ Profitlich, E Franconi Applied Intelligence 4 (2), 109-132, 1994 | 347 | 1994 |
Computing least common subsumers in description logics with existential restrictions F Baader, R Küsters, R Molitor IJCAI 99, 96-101, 1999 | 327 | 1999 |
Terminological cycles in a description logic with existential restrictions F Baader IJCAI 3, 325-330, 2003 | 297 | 2003 |
CEL—a polynomial-time reasoner for life science ontologies F Baader, C Lutz, B Suntisrivaraporn International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 287-291, 2006 | 275 | 2006 |
Pinpointing in the Description Logic EL F Baader, R Penaloza, B Suntisrivaraporn Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 52, 2007 | 253 | 2007 |
A terminological knowledge representation system with complete inference algorithms F Baader, B Hollunder International Workshop on Processing Declarative Knowledge, 67-86, 1991 | 251 | 1991 |
Completing description logic knowledge bases using formal concept analysis F Baader, B Ganter, U Sattler, B Sertkaya IJCAI 7, 230-235, 2007 | 242 | 2007 |