Christophe Fitamen
SenseCam: A new tool for memory rehabilitation?
L Dubourg, AR Silva, C Fitamen, CJA Moulin, C Souchay
Revue Neurologique 172 (12), 735-747, 2016
Five-year-old children’s working memory can be improved when children act on a transparent goal cue
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
Scientific reports 9 (1), 15342, 2019
The role of goal cueing in kindergarteners’ working memory
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 187, 104666, 2019
How Goal Cue and Motor Activity Modulate Working Memory Performance in Preschoolers?
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
PsyArXiv, 2019
Preschoolers’ working memory benefits from transparent goal cue if children act on it
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
Scientific Reports 9, 15342, 2019
Do goal cue and motor activity impact preschoolers’ working memory?
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 40 (1), 1-16, 2022
Play first before doing your exercise: Does acting in a game-like task improve 5-year-olds’ working memory performance?
C Fitamen, V Camos
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
Développement de la mémoire de travail et aide au maintien du but: investigation du rôle joué par l'indiçage du but dans le fonctionnement de la mémoire de travail verbale chez …
C Fitamen
Université de Fribourg, 2019
Enhancing visuo-spatial working memory: the role of visual support in preschoolers and adults
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1-18, 2024
Attentional resource sharing during a working memory task according to the value of the information to be memorized
C Fitamen, V Camos
OSF, 2024
Improving preschoolers' visuo-spatial working memory by scaffolding their maintenance strategies
C Fitamen, A Blaye, N Chevalier, V Camos
22nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 2022
La qualité des amitiés corrèle positivement avec les compétences de régulation émotionnelle : étude sur 49 enfants tessinois·e·s âgé·e·s de 8 à 11 ans
L Patritti, C Fitamen
Cortica 1 (1), 4-16, 2022
Spotlight on the Survival Processing Advantage': An FNIRS Study on Adaptive Memory
P Bonin, L Ferreri, M Gelin, C Fitamen, P Bard, A Bugaiska
Spatial, Long-and Short-Term Memory: Functions, Differences and Effects of …, 2016
The role of attention on the impact of reward value on working memory prioritization
C Fitamen, CM Sölch, V Camos
Scaffolding maintenance strategies in preschoolers' visual working memory
V Camos, C Fitamen, A Blaye
Goal maintenance and working memory in preschoolers
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
How goal cues impact verbal working memory in kindergarteners?
C Fitamen, V Camos, A Blaye
Concurrent motor activity is detrimental to 5-year-olds’ WM in oral recall but not in recognition
C Fitamen, V Camos, A Blaye
Do goal cue or goal oriented activity improve preschoolers' working memory?
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
Playing first helps 5-year-olds to perform well in a subsequent working memory task.
C Fitamen, V Camos, A Blaye
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