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Measuring indoor fine particle concentrations, emission rates, and decay rates from cannabis use in a residence
WR Ott, T Zhao, KC Cheng, LA Wallace, LM Hildemann
Atmospheric Environment: X 10, 100106, 2021
强制性开放获取政策: State of Califonia
Characteristics of secondhand cannabis smoke from common smoking methods: Calibration factor, emission rate, and particle removal rate
T Zhao, KC Cheng, WR Ott, L Wallace, LM Hildemann
Atmospheric Environment 242, 117731, 2020
强制性开放获取政策: State of Califonia
Secondhand exposure from vaping marijuana: Concentrations, emissions, and exposures determined using both research-grade and low-cost monitors
L Wallace, W Ott, T Zhao, KC Cheng, L Hildemann
Atmospheric Environment: X 8, 100093, 2020
强制性开放获取政策: State of Califonia
Measuring PM2. 5 concentrations from secondhand tobacco vs. marijuana smoke in 9 rooms of a detached 2-story house
WR Ott, LA Wallace, KC Cheng, LM Hildemann
Science of The Total Environment 852, 158244, 2022
强制性开放获取政策: State of Califonia
PM2. 5 exposure close to marijuana smoking and vaping: A case study in residential indoor and outdoor settings
KC Cheng, W Ott, L Wallace, Y Zhu, L Hildemann
Science of The Total Environment 802, 149897, 2022
强制性开放获取政策: State of Califonia
Method for estimating the volatility of aerosols using the piezobalance: Examples from vaping e-cigarette and marijuana liquids
LA Wallace, WR Ott, KC Cheng, T Zhao, L Hildemann
Atmospheric Environment 253, 118379, 2021
强制性开放获取政策: State of Califonia
PM2. 5 exposure to marijuana smoke on golf courses and other public outdoor locations: A pilot observational study
KC Cheng, G Huang, LM Hildemann
Science of The Total Environment 896, 165236, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: State of Califonia
Measuring indoor fine particle concentrations, emission rates, and decay rates from
WR Ott, T Zhao, KC Cheng
强制性开放获取政策: State of Califonia