Journalism, science and society: Science communication between news and public relations MW Bauer, M Bucchi Routledge, 2008 | 182 | 2008 |
Science communication as a field of research: identifying trends, challenges and gaps by analysing research papers L Guenther, M Joubert Sissa Medialab, 2017 | 121 | 2017 |
Storytelling: the soul of science communication M Joubert, L Davis, J Metcalfe Journal of Science Communication 18 (5), E, 2019 | 102 | 2019 |
Public engagement with science—Origins, motives and impact in academic literature and science policy P Weingart, M Joubert, K Connoway PLOS ONE 16 (7), e0254201, 2021 | 100 | 2021 |
The conflation of motives of science communication—causes, consequences, remedies P Weingart, M Joubert Journal of Science Communication 18 (3), Y01, 2019 | 76 | 2019 |
Public science communication in Africa: views and practices of academics at the National University of Science and Technology in Zimbabwe H Ndlovu, M Joubert, N Boshoff SISSA Medialab, 2016 | 52 | 2016 |
The draw-a-scientist test in an African context: Comparing students’(stereotypical) images of scientists across university faculties C Meyer, L Guenther, M Joubert Research in Science & Technological Education 37 (1), 1-14, 2019 | 40 | 2019 |
Spikey blobs with evil grins: understanding portrayals of the coronavirus in South African newspaper cartoons in relation to the public communication of science M Joubert, H Wasserman Journal of Science Communication 19 (7), A08, 2020 | 38 | 2020 |
The COVID-19 mirror: reflecting science-society relationships across 11 countries JRBS Jenni Metcalfe, Michelle Riedlinger, Martin W. Bauer, Anwesha ... Journal of Science Communication 19 (07), A08, 2020 | 38* | 2020 |
Getting to know science tweeters: a pilot analysis of south african twitter users tweeting about research M Joubert, R Costas Journal of altmetrics 2 (1), 2, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
In the footsteps of Einstein, Sagan and Barnard: Identifying South Africa's most visible scientists M Joubert, L Guenther South African Journal of Science 113 (11-12), 1-9, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Telling stories in science communication: case studies of scholar-practitioner collaboration M Riedlinger, J Metcalfe, A Baram-Tsabari, M Entradas, M Joubert, ... Journal of Science Communication 18 (5), Article number: N01, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Report: Priorities and challenges for science communication in South Africa M Joubert Science Communication 22 (3), 316-333, 2001 | 30 | 2001 |
Hype and churnalism in science communication – Comparing university press releases and journalistic articles in South Africa L Heyl, A., Joubert, M. and Guenther Communicatio, 2020 | 25* | 2020 |
Novel interfaces in science communication: Comparing journalistic and social media uptake of articles published by The Conversation Africa L Guenther, M Joubert Public Understanding of Science 30 (8), 1041-1057, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Factors influencing the public communication behaviour of publicly visible scientists in South Africa CMM Joubert Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
From top scientist to science media star during COVID-19-South Africa's Salim Abdool Karim M Joubert South African Journal of Science 116 (7-8), 1-4, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Guia de divulgação científica L Massarani, CL Vieira, EB Ruiz, KS Jayaraman, M Joubert, N Martineau, ... Rio de Janeiro: SciDev. Net: Brasília, DF: Secretaria de Ciência e …, 2004 | 14 | 2004 |
The need for an African science news service J Clayton, M Joubert URL: http://www. unesco. org. uk/uploads/The% 20Need% 20for% 20an% 20African …, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
South Africa: building capacity M Joubert Journalism, science and society, 263-266, 2008 | 11 | 2008 |