Moutaz Elgammi
Moutaz Elgammi
Assistant Professor, University of Derna, Libya
在 uod.edu.ly 的电子邮件经过验证
A new stall delay algorithm for predicting the aerodynamics loads on wind turbine blades for axial and yawed conditions
M Elgammi, T Sant
Wind Energy 20 (9), 1645-1663, 2017
A modified beddoes–leishman model for unsteady aerodynamic blade load computations on wind turbine blades
M Elgammi, T Sant
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 138 (5), 051009, 2016
Combining unsteady blade pressure measurements and a free-wake vortex model to investigate the cycle-to-cycle variations in wind turbine aerodynamic blade loads in yaw
M Elgammi, T Sant
Energies 9 (6), 460, 2016
A feasibility study of operating a low static pressure head micro pelton turbine based on water hammer phenomenon
M Elgammi, AA Hamad
Renewable Energy 195, 1-16, 2022
Predicting the stochastic aerodynamic loads on blades of two yawed downwind hawts in uncontrolled conditions using a bem algorithm
M Elgammi, T Sant, M Alshaikh
Renewable Energy 146, 371-383, 2020
Integrating a new flow separation model and the effects of the vortex shedding for improved dynamic stall predictions using the Beddoes–Leishman method
M Elgammi, T Sant
Wind Energy 19 (11), 2089-2112, 2016
New vortex‐lift and tangential‐force models for HAWT aerodynamic load prediction
M Elgammi, G Schepers, S Osta‐Omar
Wind Energy 23 (7), 1656-1671, 2020
A boundary/finite element coupled method for elasto-plastic deformation analysis
M Elgammi
Atilim University, 2010
The influence of the flow separation bubble and transition location on the profile drag of three 4-digit NACA aerofoil profiles
M Elgammi, T Sant, AA Ateeah
Wind Engineering 46 (3), 796-817, 2022
Development of a new aerofoil profile with a high lift-to-drag ratio for wind turbines using a low fidelity accurate optimization flow solver
M Elgammi, A Aokaly, Y Aldali
Energy Harvesting and Systems 8 (1), 13-27, 2021
Study of a Single-Effect Lithium-Bromide/Water (LiBr/H2O) Absorption Cooling System.
ME Salem Osta-Omar, Alnaji Alhoakli
1st International conference of Engineering Sciences, 2022
Performance Measurements on a Pico Pelton Turbine Model
A Ashour, M Elgammi, AA Ateeah
Al Mukhtar Journal of Engineering Research 5 (1-4), 75-85, 2021
Modelling the self-induced cycle-to-cycle variations in the aerodynamic blade loads of a yawed wind turbine
M Elgammi
University of Malta, 2017
Predictions of the cycle-to-cycle aerodynamic loads on a yawed wind turbine blade under stalled conditions using a 3D empirical stochastic model
M Elgammi, T Sant
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2), 022035, 2016
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