Shantanu Jadhav
Shantanu Jadhav
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Hippocampal replay in the awake state: a potential substrate for memory consolidation and retrieval
MF Carr, SP Jadhav, LM Frank
Nature neuroscience 14 (2), 147-153, 2011
Awake hippocampal sharp-wave ripples support spatial memory
SP Jadhav, C Kemere, PW German, LM Frank
Science 336 (6087), 1454-1458, 2012
Stress duration modulates the spatiotemporal patterns of spine formation in the basolateral amygdala
R Mitra, S Jadhav, BS McEwen, A Vyas, S Chattarji
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (26), 9371-9376, 2005
Somatosensory integration controlled by dynamic thalamocortical feed-forward inhibition
L Gabernet, SP Jadhav, DE Feldman, M Carandini, M Scanziani
Neuron 48 (2), 315-327, 2005
Prolonged behavioral stress enhances synaptic connectivity in the basolateral amygdala
A Vyas, S Jadhav, S Chattarji
Neuroscience 143 (2), 387-393, 2006
Sparse temporal coding of elementary tactile features during active whisker sensation
SP Jadhav, J Wolfe, DE Feldman
Nature neuroscience 12 (6), 792-800, 2009
Coordinated excitation and inhibition of prefrontal ensembles during awake hippocampal sharp-wave ripple events
SP Jadhav, G Rothschild, DK Roumis, LM Frank
Neuron 90 (1), 113-127, 2016
Dynamics of awake hippocampal-prefrontal replay for spatial learning and memory-guided decision making
JD Shin, W Tang, SP Jadhav
Neuron 104 (6), 1110-1125. e7, 2019
Hippocampal-prefrontal reactivation during learning is stronger in awake compared with sleep states
W Tang, JD Shin, LM Frank, SP Jadhav
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (49), 11789-11805, 2017
Interplay between hippocampal sharp-wave-ripple events and vicarious trial and error behaviors in decision making
AE Papale, MC Zielinski, LM Frank, SP Jadhav, AD Redish
Neuron 92 (5), 975-982, 2016
Insertion of flexible neural probes using rigid stiffeners attached with biodissolvable adhesive
SH Felix, KG Shah, VM Tolosa, HJ Sheth, AC Tooker, TL Delima, ...
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e50609, 2013
Coherent coding of spatial position mediated by theta oscillations in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
MC Zielinski, JD Shin, SP Jadhav
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (23), 4550-4565, 2019
Texture coding in the whisker system
SP Jadhav, DE Feldman
Current opinion in neurobiology 20 (3), 313-318, 2010
Psychometric curve and behavioral strategies for whisker-based texture discrimination in rats
T Morita, H Kang, J Wolfe, SP Jadhav, DE Feldman
PloS one 6 (6), e20437, 2011
Multiple time-scales of decision-making in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
W Tang, JD Shin, SP Jadhav
Elife 10, e66227, 2021
Sharp-wave ripples as a signature of hippocampal-prefrontal reactivation for memory during sleep and waking states
W Tang, SP Jadhav
Neurobiology of learning and memory 160, 11-20, 2019
Endocannabinoid signaling is required for development and critical period plasticity of the whisker map in somatosensory cortex
L Li, KJ Bender, PJ Drew, SP Jadhav, E Sylwestrak, DE Feldman
Neuron 64 (4), 537-549, 2009
Multiple modes of hippocampal–prefrontal interactions in memory-guided behavior
JD Shin, SP Jadhav
Current opinion in neurobiology 40, 161-169, 2016
The role of replay and theta sequences in mediating hippocampal‐prefrontal interactions for memory and cognition
MC Zielinski, W Tang, SP Jadhav
Hippocampus 30 (1), 60-72, 2020
Interaction of taste and place coding in the hippocampus
LE Herzog, LM Pascual, SJ Scott, ER Mathieson, DB Katz, SP Jadhav
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (16), 3057-3069, 2019
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