Cinthya Cristina Gomes
Cinthya Cristina Gomes
Professora Associada Endodontia Universidade Federal Fluminense
在 id.uff.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Increased root canal endotoxin levels are associated with chronic apical periodontitis, increased oxidative and nitrosative stress, major depression, severity of depression …
C Gomes, FC Martinho, DS Barbosa, LS Antunes, HCC Póvoa, ...
Molecular neurobiology 55, 2814-2827, 2018
Clinical comparison of the effectiveness of 7-and 14-day intracanal medications in root canal disinfection and inflammatory cytokines
FC Martinho, CC Gomes, GG Nascimento, APM Gomes, FRM Leite
Clinical oral investigations 22, 523-530, 2018
Preparation of oval-shaped canals with TRUShape and Reciproc Systems: a micro–computed tomography study using contralateral premolars
LS Guimaraes, CC Gomes, MF Marceliano-Alves, RS Cunha, ...
Journal of endodontics 43 (6), 1018-1022, 2017
Relationship between the size of patency file and apical extrusion of sodium hypochlorite
IC Camoes, MR Salles, MVM Fernando, LF Freitas, CC Gomes
Indian Journal of Dental Research 20 (4), 426-430, 2009
Isolation and taxonomy of filamentous fungi in endodontic infections
C Gomes, S Fidel, R Fidel, MI de Moura Sarquis
Journal of endodontics 36 (4), 626-629, 2010
Signatures of electric field pulses generated by cloud flashes
SR Sharma, M Fernando, C Gomes
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 67 (4), 413-422, 2005
Training of food handlers in a hotel: tool for promotion of the food safety
CCB Gomes, GFC Lemos, MC Silva, IMC Hora, AG Cruz
Journal of Food Safety 34 (3), 218-223, 2014
Investigations of the prevalence and virulence of Candida albicans in periodontal and endodontic lesions in diabetic and normoglycemic patients
CC Gomes, LS Guimaraes, LCC Pinto, GACG Camargo, MIB Valente, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 25, 274-281, 2017
Association between bacteria occurring in the apical canal system and expression of bone‐resorbing mediators and matrix metalloproteinases in apical periodontitis
A Takahama Jr, IN Rôças, ISP Faustino, FRF Alves, RS Azevedo, ...
International endodontic journal 51 (7), 738-746, 2018
The effectiveness of pulp revascularization in root formation of necrotic immature permanent teeth: A systematic review
LS Antunes, AG Salles, CC Gomes, TB Andrade, MP Delmindo, ...
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 74 (3), 161-169, 2016
Aspergillus in endodontic infection near the maxillary sinus
CC Gomes, LCC Pinto, FL Victor, EAB Silva, AA Ribeiro, MIM Sarquis, ...
Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology 81, 527-532, 2015
Supplementing filling material removal with XP‐Endo Finisher R or R1‐Clearsonic ultrasonic insert during retreatment of oval canals from contralateral teeth
SJO Tavares, CC Gomes, MF Marceliano‐Alves, LC Guimarães, ...
Australian Endodontic Journal 47 (2), 188-194, 2021
Estudo Comparativo entre duas técnicas obturadoras: Condensação lateral X híbrida de Tagger
ICG Camões, FL Victor, CC Gomes, LF Freitas, S de Souza Pinto
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada 7 (3), 217-221, 2007
Does conventional endodontic treatment impact oral health-related quality of life? A systematic review
LS Antunes, CR Souza, AG Salles, CC Gomes, LA Antunes
European Endodontic Journal 3 (1), 2-8, 2018
Do antimicrobial photodynamic therapy and low-level laser therapy minimize postoperative pain and edema after molar extraction?
RS Fraga, LAA Antunes, WLS Fialho, MI Valente, CC Gomes, ...
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 78 (12), 2155. e1-2155. e10, 2020
Genetic polymorphism and expression of matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in periapical lesions: systematic review
AFC Torres, LS Antunes, NF de Oliveira, EC Küchler, CC Gomes, ...
Journal of Endodontics 46 (1), 3-11. e1, 2020
Análise comparativa do escoamento de dois cimentos endodônticos: Endofll e AH plus
FS Alonso, CC Gomes, LF Freitas, IC Gomes, SS Pinto, P Penina
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Saúde/Brazilian Journal of Health Research …, 2005
Avaliação do hipoclorito de sódio e da clorexidina na desinfecção de cones de guta-percha
ICG Camões, CC Gomes, LF Freitas, S de Souza Pinto, SM Saraiva, ...
Revista de Odontologia da Universidade Cidade de São Paulo 22 (2), 94-103, 2010
Dental trauma in primary dentition, its effect on permanent successors and on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life: a 4-year follow-up case report
MGL Abreu, AJ Milani, T de Oliveira Fernandes, CC Gomes, LS Antunes, ...
International journal of burns and trauma 10 (5), 201, 2020
Clinical and histological alterations in the surrounding periodontium of dog’s teeth submitted for an intrusive luxation
JC Gomes, CC Gomes, AM Bolognese
Dental Traumatology 24 (3), 332-336, 2008
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