Jampel Dell'Angelo
Jampel Dell'Angelo
Assoc. Prof. of Water Governance & Politics - VU Amsterdam; NEWAVE PI; World Development EiC
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The global food‐energy‐water nexus
P D'Odorico, KF Davis, L Rosa, JA Carr, D Chiarelli, J Dell'Angelo, ...
Reviews of geophysics 56 (3), 456-531, 2018
Global agricultural economic water scarcity
L Rosa, DD Chiarelli, MC Rulli, J Dell’Angelo, P D’Odorico
Science Advances 6 (18), eaaz6031, 2020
The tragedy of the grabbed commons: Coercion and dispossession in the global land rush
J Dell’Angelo, P D’Odorico, MC Rulli, P Marchand
World Development 92, 1-12, 2017
Global virtual water trade and the hydrological cycle: Patterns, drivers, and socio-environmental impacts
P D'Odorico, J Carr, C Dalin, J Dell'Angelo, M Konar, F Laio, L Ridolfi, ...
Environmental Research Letters, 2019
The Global Water Grabbing Syndrome
J Dell'Angelo, MC Rulli, P D'Odorico
Ecological Economics 143, 276-285, 2018
Resilience in the global food system
D Seekell, J Carr, J Dell’Angelo, P D’Odorico, M Fader, J Gephart, ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (2), 025010, 2017
Archetype analysis in sustainability research
C Oberlack, D Sietz, EB Bonanomi, A De Bremond, J Dell'Angelo, ...
Ecology and Society 24 (2), 2019
Reserves and trade jointly determine exposure to food supply shocks
P Marchand, JA Carr, J Dell'Angelo, M Fader, JA Gephart, M Kummu, ...
Environmental Research Letters 11, 095009, 2016
The political ecology of participatory conservation: institutions and discourse
RP Bixler, J Dell'Angelo, O Mfune, H Roba
Journal of Political Ecology 22, 164-182, 2015
Closing global knowledge gaps: Producing generalized knowledge from case studies of social-ecological systems
NR Magliocca, EC Ellis, GRH Allington, A De Bremond, J Dell’Angelo, ...
Global environmental change 50, 1-14, 2018
Threats to sustainable development posed by land and water grabbing
J Dell’Angelo, P D’Odorico, MC Rulli
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 26, 120-128, 2017
Tropical forest loss enhanced by large-scale land acquisitions
KF Davis, HI Koo, J Dell’Angelo, P D’Odorico, L Estes, L Kehoe, ...
Nature Geoscience, 2020
Polycentric Transformation in Kenyan Water Governance: A Dynamic Analysis of Institutional and Social‐Ecological Change
P McCord, J Dell'Angelo, E Baldwin, T Evans
Policy Studies Journal 45 (4), 633-658, 2017
Interdependencies and telecoupling of oil palm expansion at the expense of Indonesian rainforest
MC Rulli, S Casirati, J Dell'Angelo, K Davis, C Passera, P D'Odorico
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 105, May 2019, Pages 499-512 …, 2019
Collective action in a polycentric water governance system
E Baldwin, P McCord, J Dell'Angelo, T Evans
Environmental Policy and Governance 28 (4), 212-222, 2018
New frontiers of land and water commodification: socio‐environmental controversies of large‐scale land acquisitions
P D'Odorico, MC Rulli, J Dell'Angelo, KF Davis
Land Degradation & Development 28 (7), 2234-2244, 2017
Food Inequality, Injustice, and Rights
P D'Odorico, J Carr, K Davis, J Dell'Angelo, D Seekell
BioScience, 2019
Commons grabbing and agribusiness: Violence, resistance and social mobilization
J Dell’Angelo, G Navas, M Witteman, G D’Alisa, A Scheidel, L Temper
Ecological Economics, 2021
Community Water Governance on Mount Kenya: An Assessment Based on Ostrom’s Design Principles of Natural Resource Management
J Dell’Angelo, PF McCord, D Gower, S Carpenter, KK Caylor, TP Evans
Mountain Research and Development 36 (1), 102-115, 2016
Frontiers in socio-environmental research: components, connections, scale, and context
S Pulver, N Ulibarri, K Sobocinski, S Alexander, M Johnson, P McCord, ...
Ecology and Society 23 (3), 2018
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