Anup Karan
Anup Karan
Public Health Foundation of India
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Effect of payments for health care on poverty estimates in 11 countries in Asia: an analysis of household survey data
E Van Doorslaer, O O'Donnell, RP Rannan-Eliya, A Somanathan, ...
The lancet 368 (9544), 1357-1364, 2006
Catastrophic payments for health care in Asia
E Van Doorslaer, O O'Donnell, RP Rannan‐Eliya, A Somanathan, ...
Health economics 16 (11), 1159-1184, 2007
Reducing out-of-pocket expenditures to reduce poverty: a disaggregated analysis at rural-urban and state level in India
CC Garg, AK Karan
Health policy and planning 24 (2), 116-128, 2009
Who pays for health care in Asia?
O O’donnell, E Van Doorslaer, RP Rannan-Eliya, A Somanathan, ...
Journal of health economics 27 (2), 460-475, 2008
What is the private sector? Understanding private provision in the health systems of low-income and middle-income countries
M Mackintosh, A Channon, A Karan, S Selvaraj, E Cavagnero, H Zhao
The lancet 388 (10044), 596-605, 2016
Deepening health insecurity in India: evidence from national sample surveys since 1980s
S Selvaraj, AK Karan
Economic and political weekly, 55-60, 2009
The economic implications of non-communicable disease for India
A Mahal, A Karan, M Engelgau
World Bank, Washington, DC, 2010
Extending health insurance to the poor in India: An impact evaluation of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana on out of pocket spending for healthcare
A Karan, W Yip, A Mahal
Social Science & Medicine 181, 83-92, 2017
Why publicly-financed health insurance schemes are ineffective in providing financial risk protection
S Selvaraj, AK Karan
Economic and Political Weekly, 60-68, 2012
The economic impact of non-communicable diseases on households in India
MM Engelgau, A Karan, A Mahal
Globalization and health 8, 1-10, 2012
The incidence of public spending on healthcare: comparative evidence from Asia
O O'Donnell, E Van Doorslaer, RP Rannan-Eliya, A Somanathan, ...
The World Bank Economic Review 21 (1), 93-123, 2007
Impact of publicly financed health insurance schemes on healthcare utilization and financial risk protection in India: a systematic review
S Prinja, AS Chauhan, A Karan, G Kaur, R Kumar
PloS one 12 (2), e0170996, 2017
Quantifying the financial burden of households’ out-of-pocket payments on medicines in India: a repeated cross-sectional analysis of National Sample Survey data, 1994–2014
S Selvaraj, HH Farooqui, A Karan
BMJ open 8 (5), e018020, 2018
Size, composition and distribution of health workforce in India: why, and where to invest?
A Karan, H Negandhi, S Hussain, T Zapata, D Mairembam, H De Graeve, ...
Human resources for health 19, 1-14, 2021
Paying out-of-pocket for health care in Asia: Catastrophic and poverty impact
E Van Doorslaer, O O’Donnell, RP Rannan-Eliya, A Somanathan, ...
Erasmus University, Rotterdam and IPS, Colombo, 2005
Explaining the incidence of catastrophic expenditures on health care: Comparative evidence from Asia
O O’Donnell, E van Doorslaer, RP Rannan-Eliya, A Somanathan, ...
EQUITAP (5), 2005
The economic burden of cancers on Indian households
A Mahal, A Karan, VY Fan, M Engelgau
PloS one 8 (8), e71853, 2013
Size, composition and distribution of human resource for health in India: new estimates using National Sample Survey and Registry data
A Karan, H Negandhi, R Nair, A Sharma, R Tiwari, S Zodpey
BMJ open 9 (4), e025979, 2019
State health insurance and out-of-pocket health expenditures in Andhra Pradesh, India
VY Fan, A Karan, A Mahal
International journal of health care finance and economics 12, 189-215, 2012
Moving to universal coverage? Trends in the burden of out-of-pocket payments for health care across social groups in India, 1999–2000 to 2011–12
A Karan, S Selvaraj, A Mahal
PloS one 9 (8), e105162, 2014
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