Eric Lasseur
Eric Lasseur
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Origins and processes of groundwater salinization in the urban coastal aquifers of Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil): a multi-isotope approach
L Cary, E Petelet-Giraud, G Bertrand, W Kloppmann, L Aquilina, V Martins, ...
Science of the Total Environment 530, 411-429, 2015
Late Holocene seacliff retreat recorded by 10Be profiles across a coastal platform: Theory and example from the English Channel
V Regard, T Dewez, DL Bourlès, RS Anderson, A Duperret, S Costa, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 11, 87-97, 2012
New insight into the microtexture of chalks from NMR analysis
O Faÿ-Gomord, J Soete, K Katika, S Galaup, B Caline, F Descamps, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 75, 252-271, 2016
Symmetry vs. asymmetry of a hyper-thinned rift: Example of the Mauléon Basin (Western Pyrenees, France)
N Saspiturry, P Razin, T Baudin, O Serrano, B Issautier, E Lasseur, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 104, 86-105, 2019
La Craie du Bassin de Paris (Cénomanien-Campanien, Crétacé supérieur). Sédimentologie de faciès, stratigraphie séquentielle et géométrie 3D.
É Lasseur
Université Rennes 1, 2007
A relative water-depth model for the Normandy Chalk (Cenomanian–Middle Coniacian, Paris Basin, France) based on facies patterns of metre-scale cycles
E Lasseur, F Guillocheau, C Robin, F Hanot, D Vaslet, R Coueffe, ...
Sedimentary Geology 213 (1-2), 1-26, 2009
Confining properties of carbonated Dogger caprocks (Parisian Basin) for CO2 storage purpose
P Carles, P Bachaud, E Lasseur, P Berne, P Bretonnier
Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole 65 …, 2010
Tectono-sedimentary evolution of a rift system controlled by Permian post-orogenic extension and metamorphic core complex formation (Bidarray Basin and Ursuya dome, Western …
N Saspiturry, B Cochelin, P Razin, S Leleu, B Lemirre, C Bouscary, ...
Tectonophysics 768, 228180, 2019
Geodynamic evolution of a wide plate boundary in the Western Mediterranean, near-field versus far-field interactions
L Jolivet, T Baudin, S Calassou, S Chevrot, M Ford, B Issautier, E Lasseur, ...
BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin 192 (1), 48, 2021
The complex diagenetic history of discontinuities in shallow‐marine carbonate rocks: New insights from high‐resolution ion microprobe investigation of δ18O and δ13C of early …
S Andrieu, B Brigaud, J Barbarand, E Lasseur
Sedimentology 65 (2), 360-399, 2018
Disentangling the control of tectonics, eustasy, trophic conditions and climate on shallow-marine carbonate production during the Aalenian–Oxfordian interval: From the western …
S Andrieu, B Brigaud, J Barbarand, E Lasseur, T Saucède
Sedimentary Geology 345, 54-84, 2016
Sediment routing system and sink preservation during the post-orogenic evolution of a retro-foreland basin: The case example of the North Pyrenean (Aquitaine, Bay of Biscay) Basins
A Ortiz, F Guillocheau, E Lasseur, J Briais, C Robin, O Serrano, C Fillon
Marine and Petroleum Geology 112, 104085, 2020
Pliocene–Lower Pleistocene shallow-water mixed siliciclastics and carbonates (Yanigua and Los Haitises formations) in eastern Hispaniola (Dominican Republic)
JC Braga, AD de Neira, E Lasseur, J Mediato, J Aguirre, M Abad, ...
Sedimentary Geology 265, 182-194, 2012
Closure of a hyperextended system in an orogenic lithospheric pop‐up, Western Pyrenees: The role of mantle buttressing and rift structural inheritance
N Saspiturry, C Allanic, P Razin, B Issautier, T Baudin, E Lasseur, ...
Terra Nova 32 (4), 253-260, 2020
Un atelier de production et de consommation d’outils bifaciaux de la fin du Paléolithique moyen à Saint-Brice-sous-Rânes (Orne, France) dans son contexte environnemental
D Cliquet, N Mercier, JP Lautridou, P Alix, V Beugnier, R Bianchini, ...
Quaternaire 20 (3), 361-379, 2009
Linking early diagenesis and sedimentary facies to sequence stratigraphy on a prograding oolitic wedge: the Bathonian of western France (Aquitaine Basin)
S Andrieu, B Brigaud, J Barbarand, E Lasseur
Marine and Petroleum Geology 81, 169-195, 2017
Le Cénozoïque du bassin de Paris: un enregistrement sédimentaire haute résolution des déformations lithosphériques en régime de faible subsidence
J Briais, F Guillocheau, E Lasseur, C Robin, O Serrano
15ème congrès français de sédimentologie, 2015
Shore platform lowering due to frost shattering during the 2009 winter at Mesnil Val, English channel coast, NW France
TJB Dewez, V Regard, A Duperret, E Lasseur
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (12), 1688-1700, 2015
Mercury enrichments of the Pyrenean foreland basins sediments support enhanced volcanism during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM)
M Tremblin, H Khozyem, T Adatte, JE Spangenberg, C Fillon, A Grauls, ...
Global and Planetary Change 212, 103794, 2022
Response of a low-subsiding intracratonic basin to long wavelength deformations: the Palaeocene–early Eocene period in the Paris Basin
J Briais, F Guillocheau, E Lasseur, C Robin, JJ Châteauneuf, O Serrano
Solid Earth 7 (1), 205-228, 2016
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