Hugo Figueiredo-Ferraz
Hugo Figueiredo-Ferraz
Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU)
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Síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo y satisfacción laboral en profesionales de enfermería
H Figueiredo Ferraz, E Grau Alberola, PR Gil Monte, JA García Juesas
Psicothema, 2012
Incidence of burnout in Spanish nursing professionals: A longitudinal study
E Grau-Alberola, PR Gil-Monte, JA García-Juesas, H Figueiredo-Ferraz
International journal of nursing studies 47 (8), 1013-1020, 2010
Influence of mobbing (workplace bullying) on depressive symptoms: a longitudinal study among employees working with people with intellectual disabilities
H FigueiredoFerraz, PR GilMonte, VE OlivaresFaúndez
Journal of intellectual disability research 59 (1), 39-47, 2015
Relationships between burnout and role ambiguity, role conflict and employee absenteeism among health workers
VE Olivares-Faúndez, PR Gil-Monte, L Mena, C Jélvez-Wilke, ...
terapia psicolÓgica 32 (2), 111-120, 2014
Prevalencia del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo (Burnout) en una muestra de maestros portugueses
H Figueiredo-Ferraz, PR Gil-Monte, E Grau-Alberola
Aletheia, 6-15, 2009
Psychometric properties of the “Spanish Burnout Inventory”(SBI): Adaptation and validation in a Portuguese-speaking sample
H Figueiredo-Ferraz, PR Gil-Monte, E Grau-Alberola
European review of applied psychology 63 (1), 33-40, 2013
Psychometric properties of the ‘Spanish Burnout Inventory’among employees working with people with intellectual disability
PR GilMonte, H FigueiredoFerraz
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 57 (10), 959-968, 2013
Validação fatorial do" Spanish Burnout Inventory" em policiais portugueses
H Figueiredo-Ferraz, PR Gil-Monte, C Queirós, F Passos
Psicologia: Reflexao e Crítica 27 (02), 291-299, 2014
Factor analysis of the Spanish Burnout Inventory among Mexican prison employees.
PR Gil-Monte, H Figueiredo-Ferraz, H Valdez-Bonilla
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2013
Influence of some psychosocial factors on mobbing and its consequences among employees working with people with intellectual disabilities
H FigueiredoFerraz, PR GilMonte, E GrauAlberola, M LlorcaPellicer, ...
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 25 (5), 455-463, 2012
El papel de la culpa en la relación entre el síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo y la inclinación al absentismo de profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria
B Rabasa, H Figueiredo Ferraz, PR Gil Monte, M Llorca Pellicer
Revista de psicodidáctica, 2016
Relación entre los estilos de liderazgo Transformacional y laissez-faire y el Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo en profesores de educación secundaria
JJ López-Vílchez, E Grau-Alberola, PR Gil-Monte, HF Ferraz
Acciones e investigaciones sociales, 2018
The mediating role of feelings of guilt in the relationship between burnout and the consumption of tobacco and alcohol
VE OlivaresFaúndez, PR GilMonte, H FigueiredoFerraz
Japanese Psychological Research 56 (4), 340-348, 2014
Desgaste psíquico y problemas de salud en estudiantes de psicología
H Figueiredo-Ferraz, S Cardona, P Gil-Monte
Psicologia em Estudo 14 (2), 349-353, 2009
Efectos de los conflictos interpersonales sobre el desarrollo del síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (burnout) y su influencia sobre la salud. Un estudio longitudinal en …
EG Alberola, PRG Monte, JAG Juesas, HF Ferraz
Cienc Trab. Abr-Jun 11 (32), 72-79, 2009
Influence of a Cognitive Behavioural Training Program on Health: A Study among Primary Teachers//Influencia de un programa de entrenamiento cognitivo conductual sobre la salud …
H Figueiredo-Ferraz, PR Gil-Monte, BR do Couto, E Grau-Alberola
Revista de Psicodidáctica 18 (2), 2013
Influencia de los valores y la culpa en el síndrome de burnout
H Figueiredo-Ferraz, E Grau-Alberola, P Gil-Monte
Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações, 85-95, 2016
Factor analysis of the S panish B urnout I nventory among public administration employees
MS Carlotto, PR GilMonte, H FigueiredoFerraz
Japanese Psychological Research 57 (2), 155-165, 2015
The healthy management: the moderator role of transformational leadership on health workers
E Grau-Alberola, H Figueiredo-Ferraz, JJ López-Vílchez, PR Gil-Monte
Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology 38 (1), 128-138, 2022
The mediator role of feelings of guilt in the process of burnout and psychosomatic disorders: A cross-cultural study
H Figueiredo-Ferraz, PR Gil-Monte, E Grau-Alberola, B Ribeiro do Couto
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 751211, 2021
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