Alberta Mandich
Alberta Mandich
Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Genoa, Italy
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Serum parameters of Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii (Pisces: Acipenseriformes): effects of temperature and stress
E Cataldi, P Di Marco, A Mandich, S Cataudella
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 1998
Physiological responses of European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax to different stocking densities and acute stress challenge
P Di Marco, A Priori, MG Finoia, A Massari, A Mandich, G Marino
Aquaculture 275 (1-4), 319-328, 2008
Androgenic and antiandrogenic activities in water and sediment samples from the river Lambro, Italy, detected by yeast androgen screen and chemical analyses
R Urbatzka, A Van Cauwenberge, S Maggioni, L Viganò, A Mandich, ...
Chemosphere 67 (6), 1080-1087, 2007
In vivo exposure of carp to graded concentrations of bisphenol A
A Mandich, S Bottero, E Benfenati, A Cevasco, C Erratico, S Maggioni, ...
General and comparative endocrinology 153 (1-3), 15-24, 2007
Reproduction in the dusky grouper from the southern Mediterranean
G Marino, E Azzurro, A Massari, MG Finoia, A Mandich
Journal of Fish Biology 58 (4), 909-927, 2001
First observation of intersex cyprinids in the Po River (Italy)
L Vigano, A Arillo, S Bottero, A Massari, A Mandich
Science of the total environment 269 (1-3), 189-194, 2001
Induction of ovulation in captive-reared dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834), with a sustained-release GnRHa implant
G Marino, E Panini, A Longobardi, A Mandich, MG Finoia, Y Zohar, ...
Aquaculture 219 (1-4), 841-858, 2003
Estrogenicity profile and estrogenic compounds determined in river sediments by chemical analysis, ELISA and yeast assays
L Viganò, E Benfenati, A van Cauwenberge, JK Eidem, C Erratico, ...
Chemosphere 73 (7), 1078-1089, 2008
Aspects of reproductive biology of the Mediterranean amberjack (Seriola dumerilii Risso) during the spawning period
G Marino, A Mandich, A Massari, F Andaloro, S Porrello, MG Finoia, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 11 (1‐2), 9-24, 1995
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) with (anti) estrogenic and (anti) androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis: II. Effects on gonad …
A Cevasco, R Urbatzka, S Bottero, A Massari, F Pedemonte, W Kloas, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2008
Changes in serum cortisol, metabolites, osmotic pressure and electrolytes in response to different blood sampling procedures in cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)
Marino, D Marco, Mandich, Finoia, Cataudella
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 17 (3), 115-120, 2001
Dietary administration of EDC mixtures: a focus on fish lipid metabolism
O Carnevali, V Notarstefano, I Olivotto, M Graziano, P Gallo, ...
Aquatic toxicology 185, 95-104, 2017
Xenobiotic-contaminated diets affect hepatic lipid metabolism: Implications for liver steatosis in Sparus aurata juveniles
F Maradonna, V Nozzi, S Santangeli, I Traversi, P Gallo, E Fattore, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 167, 257-264, 2015
Endocrine disrupters with (anti) estrogenic and (anti) androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis: I. Effects on sex steroid levels and …
R Urbatzka, S Bottero, A Mandich, I Lutz, W Kloas
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2007
Investigating the estrogenic risk along the River Po and its intermediate section
L Viganò, A Mandich, E Benfenati, R Bertolotti, S Bottero, E Porazzi, ...
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 51, 641-651, 2006
Some aspects of osmotic and ionic regulation in Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii. II: morpho‐physiological adjustments to hyperosmotic environments
DJ McKenzie, E Cataldi, P Di Marco, A Mandich, P Romano, S Ansferri, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 15 (4‐5), 61-66, 1999
A developmental hepatotoxicity study of dietary bisphenol A in Sparus aurata juveniles
F Maradonna, V Nozzi, L Dalla Valle, I Traversi, G Gioacchini, F Benato, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2014
Influence of sampling conditions on blood chemistry values of Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii (Bonaparte, 1836)
P Di Marco, DJ McKenzie, A Mandich, P Bronzi, E Cataldi, S Cataudella
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 15 (4‐5), 73-77, 1999
Recent advances in induced breeding of the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834)
G Marino, E Azzurro, MG Finoia, MT Messina, A Massari, A Mandich
Cahiers Options Méditerranéenes 47, 215-225, 2000
Plasma sex steroid and vitellogenin profiles during gonad development in wild Mediterranean amberjack (Seriola dumerilii)
A Mandich, A Massari, S Bottero, P Pizzicori, H Goos, G Marino
Marine biology 144, 127-138, 2004
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