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Combined language and motor therapy for brain injury patients
M Wairagkar, R McCrindle, H Robson, L Meteyard, M Sperrin, A Smith, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd 2015 Workshop on ICTs for improving Patients …, 2015
强制性开放获取政策: National Institute for Health Research, UK
可在其他位置公开访问的文章:9 篇
The relation between content and structure in language production: An analysis of speech errors in semantic dementia
L Meteyard, K Patterson
Brain and language 110 (3), 121-134, 2009
强制性开放获取政策: US National Institutes of Health
Early childhood predictors of anxiety in early adolescence
JL Hudson, K Murayama, L Meteyard, T Morris, HF Dodd
Journal of abnormal child psychology 47 (7), 1121-1133, 2019
强制性开放获取政策: Australian Research Council, UK Economic and Social Research Council
The effect of bilingualism on brain development from early childhood to young adulthood
C Pliatsikas, L Meteyard, J Veríssimo, V DeLuca, K Shattuck, MT Ullman
Brain Structure and Function 225 (7), 2131-2152, 2020
强制性开放获取政策: US National Science Foundation
Broadly speaking: Vocabulary in semantic dementia shifts towards general, semantically diverse words
P Hoffman, L Meteyard, K Patterson
Cortex 55, 30-42, 2014
强制性开放获取政策: UK Medical Research Council
When semantics aids phonology: A processing advantage for iconic word forms in aphasia
L Meteyard, E Stoppard, D Snudden, SF Cappa, G Vigliocco
Neuropsychologia 76, 264-275, 2015
强制性开放获取政策: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Prevalence of pain flashbacks in posttraumatic stress disorder arising from exposure to multiple traumas or childhood traumatization
B Macdonald, TV Salomons, L Meteyard, MG Whalley
Canadian Journal of Pain 2 (1), 48-56, 2018
强制性开放获取政策: UK Medical Research Council
The ventral anterior temporal lobe has a necessary role in exception word reading
T Ueno, L Meteyard, P Hoffman, K Murayama
Cerebral Cortex 28 (8), 3035-3045, 2018
强制性开放获取政策: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Medical …
MaLT–combined Motor and Language Therapy tool for brain injury patients using kinect
M Wairagkar, R McCrindle, H Robson, L Meteyard, M Sperrin, A Smith, ...
Methods of information in medicine 56 (02), 127-137, 2017
强制性开放获取政策: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Exploring illustration styles for materials used in visual resources for people with aphasia
JL Moys, C Martínez-Freile, R McCrindle, L Meteyard, H Robson, ...
Visible Language 52 (3), 2018
强制性开放获取政策: National Institute for Health Research, UK